Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

Mohd didn't read the article. It's so unlike him.

Don't be so cynical. Have you forgotten how dumb most people are?

I could see his rosebuds.

*Dada wins lottery and immediately eats himself to death*

One American and one-and-a-half Canadian.

I'm zo Nü Metal that all my ezzez turn to zeez.

It's so hard to emulate what with my functioning brain and all.

Typical democRATS. Think you know what a TRUE PATRIOT would respond to this news. Once the DISEASE that is Obolo is out of office maybe we can FOCUS oN the real problems of today. Like LACK OF guns and getting prayer BACK into schools! I'm sick of this MARXSIST agenda ruining my country of USA!!!

It was for the better of the show. Timmy II had much more dramatic range than Timmy I.

Yeah! Hell, damn, fart!

Macho Man's heart committed suicide which led to his death. So there is at least an instance of manslaughter/suicide.

He was like 200 in wrestler years.


Unfortunately we'll probably have a nonagenarian Hulk Hogan.

Yeah, there's also HGH and cocaine.

Pirates love Starrrrrrrrrrz.

The A.V. Club

[Rips off fake mustache to reveal an already existing mustache]

Mohd has descended so far down the path of self parody that all parody has been deemed irrelevant.