Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

Ahhhhhh, Gene! Oh! Gene! Isn't he the best?

Don't forget about their delicious non-face-scalding crêpes.

Yes! I got your firstie, motherfucker! And to think no one thought I could stay up late enough or be drunk enough to do it on a work night!

I'd like to see James Murphy do an anime sequence with Linda Ronstat and Warren Zevon. Honestly, though, I think he'd be best served scoring some films like RZA. Maybe in the future he can write a movie. I'm thinking he'd be great at it like Nick Cave.

Back in St. Olaf we had a name for people like that.
Edit: Curses! Beaten to the punch.

The Crow: City of A-holes.

He did, but then he cried. Because he's a sensitive rebel. The kind of rebel that gets more chicks.

Please do not offer my god a peanut.

If your hair doesn't go five directions at one time your hair is a loser.

I think Donald Trump feels like he's better than everyone.

But, he does have dolphin teeth.


Only up the stairs on her way to accept an Oscar. I honestly couldn't bring myself to be with such a clumsy woman.

That's always been my excuse for sleazily hitting on women. Except for the part about being young. And also the part about walking. *Wizzes off to nearest yoga class on a Hoveround*

God, that show is terrible. I can't wait for season two.

I can't hear you over the roar from my Canyonero's mighty engine.

We ought to lower taxes on the wealthy. That should fix things.

I wouldn't know. I've never had a job.

TLC still hasn't cancelled it.

Ah, yes. RZA's side project.