Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

I just hope that they work "Jolly Green Jizzface" into the script somehow.

I haven't seen season two yet. I apologize for not getting the reference.

Blues Brothers. Are you insane?

I know Henry Winkler from being Henry Winkler for as long as I can remember. He's seriously an awesome dude.

When the rain starts up it makes my eyes rain.

[Construction Noise]

Henry Winkler is standing by.

That one is awesome as well. I'd also forgotten about the 90's action movie style neck-breaker guy.

My favorite by far is still the College Football names. I know it's the most famous, but that shit cracks me up every time.

What a……[Walks several hundred miles away] bitch!

Don't forget about the 12 e-hotdogs he'd consume hourly to fuel his dominance.

She'll look like a toddler sized Sloth from The Goonies in the upcoming season.

I'd watch this season If Mandy Patankin performed his character as Ronnie Dobbs for the entire season with no explanation.

Maybe he should have offered George Lucas some "Jesus Juice".

His defense was that his little baby arms were far too short to have reached her drink.

Meanwhile, Tom Petty cashes a giant stack of checks.

I'm a Ku Klux Clam man myself.

He's deep into the high-stakes world of competitive tablescaping.

Giant fake boobs for some, miniature American Flags for others!

Broken backs, triple d's, loads of pockets. Story check out.
ETA: I suppose her pocket count is sensible. Though I'd wager that those boots had some hidden pockets.