Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

Isn't that ironic?
ETA: that joke was already made.

Roachel McAdams will dominate the box office.

This is a great idea so long as they depict Andre with pants up to his nipples and shirtless.

Rocky VII: Dunkleman's Revenge.

Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners…

Hoseheads in Paris.

A raccoon that dense would probably exhibit some sort of gravitational pull.

Bestiality is generally frowned upon.

Holy incriminating photographic evidence, Batman!

Superman Returns and Has to Inform His Neighbors of His Presence.

Bryan Singer's Spider-Man: Age of Consent.

Stan Lee will play with Spider Man's parts in this movie.

Coincidentally, Hap and Leonard have been my pet names for her breasts for several years.

Can't we just drug him and swipe it while he's passed out? WWCD?

Abre tus culos.

Yes, that was while you were going going back back to Cali Cali.

Mickey, literally, wears the pants in that relationship.

Because Donald is a size queen and needs more than a mouse dick to get off?

I can't trust scientists. They're always changing their minds. The earth is flat? The earth is round? I can't keep up. That's why I stick to my trusty Bible and unwavering belief in God. Those two things never change.

Pray your dick gets big as the Eiffel Tower.