Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

*Masturbates furiously*

James Franco triumphantly retains title of worst host.

Still came into it sideways. He doesn't consider you a fan.

I casually watched every episode 17 times. So, yes.

*Dislocates all joints in body*
*Wax statue finishes film*
*No one notices*

Don't Leave My Behind

Special guest appearance by George W. Bush's head.

What makes a man turn equal? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of equality?

Dammit she has gloomy tits.

Ow! My balls! Yum! These balls!

Part of this balanced breakfast!
*Camera pans to the cereal along with oatmeal, toast, eggs, ham, and orange juice*

People who said that about CHiPs have eaten their words. Be on the right side of history with this one.

Swing low sweet pear shaped tits.

The whole thing smacks of effort, man.

Why, I've been a teenager since Nineteen-Dickety-Two.

Yeah, stupid boomers.

I personally cannot wait for Jazzercise: The Feature Film.

It's insane that guy's taint!

So it's like The Wolfman is staring at you on the bus.

Fred Thompson is standing by!