Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

Have you ever tried getting anything off of the cloud? It's impossible! It really irks me to think about all my dick picks just floating around up there in some magical network I can't even fathom.

I think he raises some valid points that maybe we haven't considered before.

Go go Gadget Dick!

Wow! *Peers in more closely with comically large magnifying glass*

I always feel come when I don't bad.

Waterworld 2: Fins a Poppin'.

Internet King! Fast! Cheap!

"If you retain them, they might show up."

Dances With Sharks

I typed BBG into Pornhub and my computer melted.

There will most likely be food spilled onto this bathing suit, yes.

I said tasteful not tasty.

Personally, I think he'd look stunning in a tasteful two-piece.

A premium cable company run by President & CEO THRILLHO.

He's about as well groomed as a lot of guys his age.

Maybe they should try more Powersauce Bars.

She's getting a bit too old for that role now. However, she played it with aplomb in Taxi.

He's uncredited as the grandfather who learns the true meaning of miracles in the third act. Spoiler!

A Magic Black Person! This movie can't miss!

I'm pretty sure that everyone will wear cowboy boots when better options are readily available. Sure, they'll be slipping all over every surface that isn't specifically designed for their footwear. But, I'll be goddamned if they don't look good doing it.