
Now I'm imagining that the Fundamentalists have, like, sleeper agents living crazy lives all over America, just waiting for the next scandal to arise...

She hates white people so much that she falsely accused her white brother of sexually abusing a black child so she could adopt her black brother and live a life as a black woman with black children.

Weirdly I am ONLY attracted to her when she is playing Alex. Rest of the time it totally goes away. But man, as Alex, with that perfect winged eyeliner, sign me the fuck up.

She’s a Scientologist with a fucking perfect face, I can’t deny her crazy ass that.

Laura Prepon is seriously fucking gorgeous though.

(yes I know she’s a scientologist. no, I don’t care.)

*lady like snort*, Oh, you don’t need to tell me. I’m related to some of that crazy ( and have people Facebook with it ). 😂It’s just, sometimes, that evil part in my brain ( logic ) wants me to go say something. But then I remind myself, “don’t poke the bear with a stick “...

I saw that article discussing the mark of Cain somewhere. I think it was on Reading the comments is on other guy came to the conclusion I thought of as well: since science has shown the cradle of human life basically started in Africa ( which in this example would make it the garden of Eden),

Is there a display for when Lot’s daughters got him drunk and tag teamed him?

I’ve actually heard weirder things. I had a classmate (sophomore year at college) who came from an overly religious, private school. Turns out the dipshit thought potatoes grew on trees. I of course felt the need to ask him if he’d ever seen a potato tree. He was 100% convinced that a juniper bush was potato tree, and

Sad that “A Walk Through the Bible” wasn’t included, as it’s in my home town and is pure WONDERMENT! They’ve got everything. A black room where you experiencing God turning on all the stars at once, a Garden of Eden where the blame is firmly laced on Eve, well and the snake. and even a full ark you sit in and get

He is so hot in that picture but he still has that unmistakable air of the douche about him.

I always feel obliged to vote yes on these because I know me, and I’ll have sex with anyone. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt to me vote yes.

“My kids drink dirty bath water though, Wtf.”

I used to do this from a cup. I used to pretend it was tea. Clearly I was not the smartest child

Bitrex is the bitterest substance in the world

Me too. Even as an adult it takes a great deal of determination not to eat colorful, glistening small objects...

For what it’s worth, I’m 27 years old and have always thought those things look delicious.

The boy who killed my brother will be sentenced in June. I don’t really want him to be in prison any longer than he has been(one year and some). I don’t think it will do any good, and it won’t bring my brother back to life.

Wasn’t there some Iman who was inciting everyone to violence? That’s the guy they need to go after.

I would say that Life usually ends that way.

Note to men (and people in general): If a woman drives up in a van and asks if you are single and doing anything tonight DO NOT GET IN THE VAN WITH THEM. That is stupid. You are not that good looking. Stop watching so much porn. Life doesn't work that way.