
She's probably an "indigo child"

Joke: How can you tell someone is vegan?

I think the thing that's irking me about it is the gleeful, homophobic tone of the supposedly corroborating stories we've been hearing about "wild twink parties." Major news orgs were linking to a thread on IMDB, a site whose forums are infested with idiot commenters and shit-stirring purveyors of rando Hollywood

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I'm not clever about making clips, but this is a fascinating documentary about Pacific cargo cults, and the origins of religions. DA is so young!

I can't find the clip I was after, so I instead offer my favourite Attenborough gif.

Please avoid Sucker Punch. The level of crap in that movie outweights the other 3. Or if you really want to waste a couple hours watch it... but mute the damned thing, 'cause the story is... is... I cant find words to describe that!

Don't you mean "Picked her up in an engineless DC-8 and pre-ordered a 75 million year-old bottle of Hubbard's Reserve, which was on the table along with an e-meter"?

Let's not get all snarky about this, okay? You say that all the people he kills are accidental or unintentional and cannot be avoided in order to build character. I say, if that's the case... where does he build that character? They never have a scene showing any sort of character building, so how am I to know that

How Man of Steel became Batman vs SUperman?

You know what really fries my nads? Whenever a male celebrity is caught cheating, he always just has some kind of "sex addiction." David Duchovny did the same thing. But shit man, let's just call it what it is: you're famous, you can get poon where ever, whenever, so you're taking advantage of your celebrity status

This is a genuine comment on the E! Emma Stone article:

Oh, man. Oh, man! This is why everyone needs at least one good, cynical friend. Or at least one frenemy. You need someone that, upon reading something like "the story is my presentation," will make a face like someone just cracked open a box of old farts in the airstream.

I also have a sneaking suspicion this is how babby is formed.

"We want to live like common people..." You win everything for this. Jarvis FTW!

This reminds me of the film Margaret, where Anna Pacquin's Lisa has a big grandiose speech about how a dying woman mistook her for her daughter since they had the same name, and someone rebukes her strongly for making it 'all about her and her drama'. Her heart's in the right place, but she's not quite articulating it

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This. Also what Kat said only about being gay, I fucking hate that. I find it insulting, tbh.