“Who takes “that one actress” seriously?”
“Who takes “that one actress” seriously?”
"This is a genuine press statement from the Carphone Warhouse: 'Racism is entirely at odds with the values of the Carphone Warhouse'. Entirely at odds. I don't know about you, Glasgow, but I was was hugely relieved to read that press statement, because prior to reading that press statement , I had suspected that the…
Again, this attitude that games being criticised or games being created that don't appeal to everyone is somehow a provocation analogous to doxxing, death threats, rape threats, etc.
She also played the lead role in Kenneth Lonergan's film Margaret, which I am morally obliged to keep promoting every time I get the opportunity. Because it's great, and not watched enough.
There was a blind item revealed on CDaN that said Keira was overheard laughing with her friends about how utterly desperate Levine was to fuck her on set. Normally I think CDaN's little more than Hollywood fanfic, but that one... I'll allow it.
I was going to say! That Adam Levine is sexy to me; the Adam Levine we have now is a dispenser of involuntary shudders.
This isn't advancing the conversation one bit, but I cannot even consider the concept of a sexy doctor without thinking of this masterpiece by Joe Cornish (yes, the Attack the Block director):
I always love that argument. It's like when they say Lincoln was a Republican. "Yes, that is true, he was a good man. What have you done within the last 150 years?"
That's not what he said at all. It's what you want to say now, but you're too chickenshit to own it.
It's almost a kind of reverse genius. I'm not sure she could have more comprehensively pissed off the young, liberal, feminist fanbase she initially courted if she was actively trying to become unpopular.
...it's like you have no understanding of what the words "what if" mean. I've never experienced this scale of dumbassery before.
How independent can you be when you're a cult member, though?
Ha, me too! I saw some photos online of him standing outside the bus station in my town and was weirded to pieces. We are not a place where A-list movie stars regularly holiday.
He's often described as "dark-skinned" or "gypsy" in the novel, but it's not clear what that translates to, seeing as it's set on the North Yorkshire moors; literally anyone who's seen sunlight within their lifetime would stand out a mile.
Oh man, I fucking love that film and that scene. It's wonderful how she keeps trying to make it into a semantic argument because deep down she knows she's way out of her depth emotionally.
That's cool! I'd never heard her talk about her parents before, which is odd, because if my mother created the most joyous piece of music in the history of the world (below) I'd never shut up about it.
That's cool! I'd never heard her talk about her parents before, which is odd, because if my mother created the most joyous piece of music in the history of the world (below) I'd never shut up about it.
Yes, yes, but is she pretty?