At the beginning of the pandemic, many were quick to point out that Shakespeare wrote something or another during a…
At the beginning of the pandemic, many were quick to point out that Shakespeare wrote something or another during a…
into the ground.
I would make every racist white person instantly black for 1 year.
ruin, not run
With cuffs on - added dvd bonus
Yes, but let’s make it for charity. All money is split between Planned Parenthood, Black Lives Matter, the ACLU, Lambda Legal, et. al.
I figure ‘thousnads’ was a typo...but I like it and will use it in the future!
“Welcome to Rivendell... Mister Anderson. You know the thing I hate about elves? It’s the smell. I feel... saturated by it.”
please, PLEASE, let this be the first domino tipping of Democrats finally getting sick and tired enough of Republicans’ bullshit to call them out forcefully for it. The only thing dipshit bullies like your average Republican respond to is being punched in the nose, period, so please let this be the first of many nose…
This fucker is a lot more talented
I watched Trump for five minutes to see if Savannah Guthrie’s back bone showed up, and it sounded like her cervical and thoracic vertabrae made the trip, so I switched over to Biden then, and I thought he demonstrated everything about Obama that I loved - mild manner, calm, peaceful, unruffled, sensible, clear,…
Yeah, I’m really not sure who these shitshows are for. I guess the media consuming media? Regular people have figured out what side they’re on years ago, every “undecided” voter is just an embarrassed trump stan.
This was a simpler combo, pepperoni, mushroom and sausage with a jammy malbec.
I won too. I forgot these were on, ate pizza, drank wine and watched Law & Order SVU. It was one of those episodes were Rollins’ trashy family members came up from Atlanta and OD’d all over the place.
Where is the article about this Miller diagnosis so we can put his ass on absolute blast?
“Only now are we getting to the hardcore stuff.”
A commercial... I like that. “Don’t do what Donny Don’t does. Wear a mask.”
Theres no way his drug-and-fried-chicken addled body is ready for Rona.