

It's good. The civil suits are going to take all the money away. He was already proven guilty in civil court.

Nah, you are mistaken. He is very “white” in Montco. He was able to skate on drugging and raping multiple women because of the Montco DA remembering the comedy shows on HBO when he was a kid and “The Cosby Show’.

The entered into a secret agreement part was what saved his ass from spending the rest of his life in jail.

Let them use guns. They won’t be able to hit shit.

Holy shit. These assholes think this is how the world is supposed to be

Slave catchers don't hunt their own.

He has to pay the prison back for his time. Once he is institutionalized and people forget he’ll get a job where he is forgotten. ...


If things changed, they wouldn’t get paid. No one in government wants things to changed.

It rhymes with something...


If you gotta ask, you already know ...

You seem to have an idea about this stuff, so I have a legit question.

Wait. So this person is the daughter of dark-skinned people who fled from their country of origin and came here illegally due to oppression and out of fear?

You’re a joy. Large agro conglomerates own most of the farm land. That which they don’t, they subsidize.

The headline told a lie. Agro-businesses are trying to buy up the land. They’re white, but they are not farmers.

If you want to meet someone more racist than a white person, take a black person to a Korean market.

We do and, from experience, very effective.

If it happened in Florida, then the DA would have needed to make up an excuse about why Stand Your Ground rules don’t apply in the case of someone who was actually attacked.