
So, Western Pennsylvania?

I would kill a fool for my oversized, burgandy cross colors jeans from back in the day.

When this person gets caught, their english/spelling teacher is going to be so embarissed.

Ahhhhhh. Good ol' Pennsyltucky.

So, "take my daughter to Disney World" is what the kids are calling meth these days?

But what about Ivanka’s emails?

Does the Karen have evidence.

They do, it just filters out terms like fair pay, union, and human dignety.

Please know that you are beautiful. Good luck and be safe.

They will just call upon the story of Abraham.

I got you.


“Defund the Police” is such a trigger for these assholes.

Y’all jump the fuck out. I’ll wait. I’ll have my credit at 800 in 4 months.

I’m really confused.

Tried to? They actually do.

My greatest concern is that one of these fools is going to need to be smacked so hard it is going to break space/time itself.

The study is garbage but i have to admit that it is the first time, in a long time, that I saw the word “affect” used correctly.

A valid point.