
LIT is actually available on Steam. EDIT: Though it appears to have switched up the graphical style and is a PC port of a mobile maybe it’s quite different?

Yeah, I had a lot of fun with this movie. It’s not fantastic, but it’s an enjoyable 2 hours at the movie theater. I’m honestly a little baffled it’s RT is so low, particularly when compared to Age of Ultron, which I thought was terrible.

Here’s some tweets:

Caitlin has been pretty open about at least one of the creators she’s had issues with in the past.

I mean, you could say the same thing about Alec Baldwin, couldn’t you? Won an Emmy recently, but he has a history of making homophobic and sexist remarks. I guess he’s missing the anti-Semitism, but Hollywood has no issues finding a place for him.

I put over 180 hours into Xenoblade Chronicles X, and probably around 100 into Xenoblade. I haven’t been paying attention to much of the coverage for this, but I’m probably on board based on the previous 2.

I haven’t read a lot of Bendis’s recent stuff - is there something off about the characters he’s created these days? I think a lot of the appeal for DC is to have Bendis create characters that are as popular as Jessica Jones or Miles Morales.

Are the dimensions of the book at the European album size rather than standard comic size? I suppose that that might have something to do with the price (even though I agree that $13 is overpriced for 60 pages of content).

I flipped through this at SPX, but somehow I missed those 1 is the Loneliest Number strips, which are hilarious. I’ll look into this when I’m not spending tons of money on other books.

I don’t know man, you’re applying a really narrow view of what makes a university ‘major’. The AAU can be used to determine which universities are prestigious, but there are plenty of major universities that aren’t in the AAU (for example, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Syracuse Unversity, North Carolina State, lots

I also didn't enjoy the Yearbook arc, and found the Lumberjanes crossover to be mediocre at best, but the Annual from last summer was excellent, and Second Semester overall has been a lot of fun. I didn't like Archer's art in the Yearbook arc, but it really grew on me.

Yes, how dare they give people who still use and enjoy their Wii U’s more games to play! The nerve of Nintendo.

I really liked Limbo, mostly because of Wijngaard's art. I'd probably buy this regardless, but the tagline is helping.

I just glided onto its stomach and stole it before it fully woke up. I tried climbing up it several times but always failed that way.

I just stole the orb from the Hinox's neck and ran away.

Uh…both sides?

I don't really agree with the hypothesis that refusing to engage with the source material is 'ruining' it, but it's a fair point. At the same time, I just felt like you were ignoring the fact that the use of the characters could work to draw people toward the source material, and could therefore be seen as a positive

I think you're being a little misleading here. I'm guessing that there were plenty of people that bought Watchmen because they liked the movie or Before Watchmen - maybe not while you worked at the store, but almost certainly close to their release.

I agree with some of your points, but I think you're being harsh on Oliver here and it's not helping your argument. He reads a LOT of comics (it's kind of his job) and seems to enjoy plenty of objectively great books. Unless indie is "everything but the big two," the last indie he talked about was in My Favorite

This is a fun comment section.