
Blank Check is doing Sam Raimi right now, and they did The Quick and The Dead two weeks ago. They dug into this a little bit - said that Stone was the one that pushed for both Dicaprio and Crowe and how prescient that ended up being.

The library in the town in which I previously lived had a tpb of the 2011 series and I remember liking it a whole bunch.  I wish it had been easier to find some more of it, but maybe I’ll try to dig up the original back issues.

But the people want to know: How does it compare to BMX XXX?

Regarding A), I’m guessing DC will be banking on larger than usual trade sales on these books since The Sandman still sells so well in trades.  They also will have Gaiman’s name attached to them, which is a big deal.

I picked this up for two reasons (1) I knew I’d pick up The Books of Magic, so I wanted to see what this book, had to say and (2) I was interested in seeing what the other books were like. It worked to reaffirm my desire in The Books of Magic while also making it likely that I’d pick up The Dreaming as those parts

While I too want more 3DS games to be on the Switch, I feel like the second screen on the 3DS is kind of crucial for this title. At least, it has been in Persona Q and all Etrian titles.

The kid in A Kid in King Arthur’s Court is from Rookie of the Year, not The Rookie, which are both movies about baseball rookies. Pretty different movies, though.

I bought a copy of Frostpunk and it works fine.

This looks like a lot of fun. I mean, I’m just having fun picking out all of the characters in this. Pretty pumped.

I mean, the problem with this theory is that there are really only two players on the team now that were there through the long haul of the process - Covington (who was awful in the Celtics series) and McConnell (who played well). They were also both undrafted players who have a worthwhile role on the Sixers.

It was Amazon. Rucka talks about it like it’s happening, both in the back matter of the comic and on podcasts (like a Word Balloon from February).

You normally can’t use Humble wallet credit on bundles. Unless they specify that you can with this $20 credit (which I can’t find the information on), you might want to remove that bit.

You normally can’t use Humble wallet credit on bundles. Unless they specify that you can with this $20 credit (which

Mainstream. They’ve interacted with Lex Luthor, Justice League, and the Great Ten in their own book, Kenan’s appeared in a Superman story and is showing up in Deathstroke this week or next.

The day I found pork roll in the supermarket by my house in Colorado was a happy day.

I’m about 70 hours into this game, and while I agree with some of your points - the mercenary mechanic is bad, the Poppi upgrades are tedious, the battle voices grate - I think there’s some hyperbole elsewhere. I don’t find the battle system to be all that complicated - and it’s way more interesting than in the

I mentioned Pogs offhand in the college statistics class I teach as a fad when I was in middle school. I then had to spend about 5 minutes of class time trying to explain what they were to a group of perplexed 18- to 22-year-olds.

And, you know, the software to use with it.


I actually like the X-Men movie universe better than the MCU, so I’m not too psyched on that front. But yeah, you’re not going to get any R rated superhero films out of Disney, for sure.

I picked this up at SPX...and it’s really good! I had only been familiar with his work on Copra, so I don’t think I was expecting the smaller scale stories told here, but I still enjoyed it.