
I owned this as a kid, but I never played the Genie level. I couldn’t beat the magic carpet portion of the Cave of Wonders, and I somehow got the password for the level directly after the Genie world...but never this one.

There was a previous Valiant Humble Bundle - in September/October of 2014. That's why there's a couple of volume 4's and a volume 2 without the preceding volumes.

I bought the first 8 or so issues of Island before dropping it, but this story was hands down my favorite that was published through the magazine. I ended up of getting rid of all of my back issues except for the ones that this appeared in . I missed the closing chapter, so I'll probably upgrade to the hardcover.

I liked some of the weirder stuff that was published during the New 52 - things like I, Vampire, G.I. Zombie, Dial H, Demon Knights and OMAC. Granted, none of these lasted very long, but that DC even gave them a chance is a minor miracle.

The polarizing opinions on this book fascinate me. I want to read this at some point just because the takes are so divided.

How long was the Isola prologue in Motor Crush? I find I have far more interest in that than Motor Crush.

I've read a significant amount of Bad Machinery due to the Oni reprints. I think I just wasn't really expecting that weirdness in Giant Days.

That Holiday Special was great! I'm still scratching my head a bit about that short story, but it did make me laugh.

I read a bunch of single issues that had been piling up at my LCS. Most notably, the first issue of Motro and second issue of Green Valley. Motro has sentient vehicles that talk with emojis and Ulises Farinas art, so I'm on board. The first issue of Green Valley ended in an interesting place, and this issue was more

An admission: I read Prince of Cats a few years ago, and while I thought the art was great, I had a lot of trouble following the story for some reason. I don't know what my head space was like at the time, but I probably need to give it another chance.

Goldie Vance Vol. 1 - This book was a delight. I don't really have much more to add than that.

I'll second the Azzarello/Chiang run, but that run is somewhat divisive. I also enjoy what I've read of Rucka's first run on the character.

I'm late to the conversation, but Oliver had very nice things to say about the Azzarello/Chiang run when it ended - which was 2 years ago now.…

If you don't mind digital, you can pick them up (along with a smattering of other Transformers stuff) in a Humble Bundle:…

Green Valley #1: I really enjoyed this - the dialogue made me laugh and the art was pretty. It's not without it's problems - there's a pretty clear fridging - but I'm on board.

It's been a while since my last date through OKC. There was a year where I had a fair amount of dates (most were kind of bland, but whatever), and I did have one long term relationship develop from a date.

Did anyone pick up Green Valley or Moonshine this week? Is it worth getting one (or both) of those?

Something New is out? Guess I'll have to buy it.

I started my first post-grad school job towards the end of last month. My first paycheck is today, which is great. I get paid twice a month, and the amount withheld from this paycheck for benefits and taxes is about what I made in a month as a grad student (doing similar work), which is both exciting and annoying.

I'm going to pick up four weeks of pulls later today, so that will be great. Lot of stuff I read came out this week, too.