
I'm right there with you. I got my cat when I was going through a particularly heavy spell of depression, and it's amazing how much she helps ease my loneliness. She is occasionally an asshole, but it's usually because she wants my attention.

I'm definitely going to try Cave Carson, and I'm intrigued by Mother Panic, so I'll likely give that a look as well. I'd like to try every one, but $3.99 books, ugh.

Rose is a prequel - focusing on a young Gran'ma Ben. It's painted by Charles Vess and is great. Coda came out a couple of months ago and shows the Bone cousins and Bartleby attempting to make their way back to Boneville. The back cover calls it "completely superfluous," which it is, but it's a delight. The book

Continuing my drip-feed of Finder - I should finish the first (long) story arc tonight. I'm glad that there are author notes in the back, as I don't think I'd understand everything in the book without them, which says more about me than the quality of the story.

This is making me sad that I haven't been able to pick up the latest issue yet. Days Lazarus is released are the only times I'm at my LCS on Wednesdays, but I need to wait until I until I get paid next week. It's proven harder than I'd like to admit to wait this long.

Saw that right after posting - I'll give it a read later today.

I've been making my way through the first volume of the Finder Library. I've only been reading a chapter or 2 a day, so I'm taking my time, but I've really been enjoying it so far.

I quite enjoyed the first issue of InSeXts, but then my LCS didn't pick me up any future copies. I'll probably seek out the trade at some point.

I'll join the chorus of people that picked it up in single issues but will be adding the trade to my collection sometime soonish.

Bone: Tall Tales: My mention of Bone on Friday made me nostalgic - but rather than read the entire series yet again, I read through the set of short stories (most of which aren't written by Smith) as I had never read them before. I felt that Smith's story was the strongest, but they were also the only ones that

I skimmed that article. I've haven't read Superwoman, but I don't know how much of a bait and switch it is considering a super-powered Lana appears on the cover and part of the solicit both mentions Lana and reads "Lois' new powers are killing her."

IDW's prices are also a bit high for me. I really want to buy a lot of the TMNT stuff, but I've been holding out in the hopes that they end up in a Humble Bundle in the future.

Oh, I already have well-read copy of the B&W One Volume, which is why I've thus far successfully talked myself out of the color edition. I know that it was originally published in black and white, but the colors are pretty and the page quality in the full color edition is supposedly much nicer (one of the downsides

Finished reading through Planetes, which I didn't enjoy as much as I thought I would. It was probably a case of high expectations, but I did feel that the story was somewhat scattered toward the end. I'll probably reread it in the future to see what I think.

I tend to balk at paying more than $40 for books, but I'm constantly talking myself out of the BONE: Full Color One Volume Edition.

My favorite superhero film is the second X-Men movie, which I hate calling by it's proper name. The opening might be one of my favorite scenes in anything, but it's still one of the few movies that I will watch from whatever point it's at whenever I happen across it on television.

New Super-Man #2: The banter in this issue was a lot of fun. I was unsure whether I'd be sticking around after the first issue, but I'm completely on board after this one - it was great.

This was my most anticipated movie of the summer. Once the reviews started coming in, I adjusted my expectations. I still saw it today, and I thought it was a lot of fun. The third act is a bit rote, but I find this true of most superhero movies. While I understand some of the criticisms of the film, I find the

You won't get much for them, but 2nd and Charles buys single issues. I tend to go that route if I have random issues or need to get rid of stuff for space reasons.

WE3 is actually a book where Quitely's art worked well for me, as the grotesqueness of the human characters certainly suited the tone of the book. I also understand that he's technically proficient, but it's just a style I don't really care for in most things.