Junkrat aka Rick Sanchez: Fury Road Edition

I thought the same thing a few years ago. Trucks are actually a pretty big deal in Sweden. If you watch the Stockholm street racing videos, pickups are everywhere. Here are some for sale.

Does “Thriller” count as a big news story?

Pearl clutching and competitive mode has been out for less than a week.

Let’s hope, I’ve lost all four of my placement matches so far.

Hey they are in Paso Robles getting coffee, then they are in Johnson Valley. That’s a pretty big distance to cover.

It’s a big deal in the south. Most people I know look forward to it, and a few actually travel to see regular season games. I think it’s mostly about bragging rights, what all college sports are about.

I have it on five of my computers. I have had zero issues related to Windows 10. Most of my machines are enterprise class Dells though so that may have something to do with it. They were all upgraded from Windows 7 and I did not do a clean install.

I think it is more to do with the turret’s accuracy vs. the accuracy of the console players. It’s more reliable to nerf damage rather than accuracy of the turrets. The accuracy thing is why there is no cross platform support either.

Speaking of 3000GT wtf is this?

He was married and divorced twice before turning 30 too.

I knew a 40 year old single straight man, who was roommates with a lesbian couple. He also has driven nothing but minivans for the past 10 years.

I like “The Jake” and the Kenny Lofton shirt is unreal.

It’s up there with any team in any sport. Everyone remembers that the Giants beat the Patriots.

Well when you stick Porsche 911 bits on your Beetle it’s call the Mulholland look. I’m gonna go with Black Forest look. I will stick with the Cal-look myself.

I really like it. I guess they hope for electric motor integrated hubs for drive technology. The suspension looks to be an elastomer that may be dynamic to control the ride rather than react. I really like the wheel pods and the integration of the aero all over the body.

I just don’t understand the need to reinvent the wheel. Weight training with proper form will get you all the gains you need. All kinds.

Does he get charged with attempted murder or manslaughter for knowingly hiding HIV from the person he shares a bed with?

There is also a game called Blackwake that looks eerily similar. I’ve seen some videos of H20Delirious and friends playing the alpha. It looks kinda rough, but all the mechanics for a fun game are there.