
I’ve never seen Patriarchy theory as intended to direct blame, but as a descriptor of our cultural biases. Regardless, the idea that feminists or those using the word patriarchy believe in a “shadowy cabal” or even define the issue as driven exclusively by men is completely ignorant to the overwhelming majority of

Maybe he hides the afikomen in his pants?

Can a kid ever be left without supervision? If there is a park within walking distance of the house and he wants to shoot hoops, is it endangerment to allow the kid to do so without supervising? Serious question.

The most irritating thing that happens (mostly with men) is when I say, “Alright! so what are we doing today?” And they respond, “Uhhh...a haircut?”

This is a great article! Nothing else to add, just that.

It reminds me of Aaron Schock quoting Taylor Swift to say “Haters gonna hate”.

Yup. I want, so badly, not to hate him. But this is waaaaay too much.

People give Vin Diesel a lot of shit over his acting chops, but I’ll be damned if he didn’t have me sobbing with that line. Nailed it, Vin. You spoke to my heart.


-3 adjectives, +3 nouns

While I appreciate that you’ve given a thoughtful response, I disagree with you and think that it still betrays itself and the entire movement.

Either he’s shooting the moon, or he played the wrong card.

Kris Jenner closing a revenue stream? That would be a new one...

I tried to explain that in my response to you. “Unless you’re telling me...” - I’d copy and paste but can’t on my phone for some reason :-/

Did I hit a nerve? I literally contrasted the two groups. This manual owns its “amorality”; whereas MRAs maintain their victim complex. Unless you’re telling me that MRAs avoid PUAesque-techniques, then I don’t think them conflating the two distinct but irredeemably-gross groups.

To his credit, contracts aren’t in his wheelhouse; he’s not pretending to be a lawyer.

That’s what I love/loathe about MRA whiners. This manual owns the fact that it’s douchy (or sociopathic, as I prefer), but MRA assholes will justify this kind of shit because they feel victimized by their own inability to meet women who are interested in them. It’s mind-fucking cognitive dissonance, on top of all

What about 1987 James Spader? Always my favorite incarnation, and one of his best performances to date.

I don’t condone this behavior, but can we move past it and discuss his technique and ability as a boxer?

Yes, Magister, it’s an economic principle that gets brought up with some frequency on Gawker Media posts. Government spending has that same multiplier effect you describe, but with different degrees of success. This is much less akin to food stamps, which are directly injected into the economy and much closer to