
I believed in vertical stripes too! You liars told me they were slimming!


I’ll be honest, I was surprised by the time devoted to creepy middle-aged intruders browsing your sexts. I was naive to how serious and pertinent that is and would’ve wasted that scene on any number of different risks or dangers.

Re-read Emma’s Bieber turd scenario; I can’t possibly answer your question better than that.

Happens to the worst of us.

plans to waste unfathomable amounts of money

Beards Full of Poop Study Full of Shit

That is my kind of fun!

Not to mention encouraging adoption or increasing resources to any of the services supporting the children once they enter the world.

Higher degree of difficulty 3’s as well; Curry takes more shots off the dribble.

There’s a lot less gambling on Wrestlemania than boxing.

I hate using this word, all thanks to a friend who used it up for everyone, but your picture made me hangry. My mood was ruined until I made myself a crappy sandwich. Anyways, I’ve got my buzz back, so I can just compliment ya on a delicious-looking dinner and hope you enjoyed it!

:-) I’ll send all my good vibes your way, and will happily write a letter of recommendation to any potential employer!

You’re welcome! Even if I don’t quite match my username at all :-)

Touche. My grandmother always loved that verse. Miss you Gamgam...

Yeah, I really should/do know better than that, but did not catch myself there at all, and I appreciate you pointing it out and helping drive it home. It’s also a much bigger problem for me in speech, and I have to be more deliberate about fixing it.

Hey, let’s stay in bounds here! This is only about poop insofar as it’s poop being in beards, all beards, all over those beards! Don’t make this about facts, or context around my fearmongering (poo-slinging?), I just want to project my frustration about the patchy cheek areas that ruin what might be a decent beard

Few (if any?) of my career moves have turned as I expected, largely for the better and in ways I couldn’t have anticipated.

That must have been such an awesome sight at the finish line! Congrats on running it! I heartily endorse your choice of beverage, which you so thoroughly deserve!

I mean sure, if you want to carry poop on your face all the time, then yeah, great beard! But I mean, that’s just me. It has nothing to do with my inability to grow a good beard, or the fact that everyone in Austin has beards for days; I have no anger over this, and if I did, I wouldn’t just glum on to some article to