
I’m gonna buck the trend and say that if I could be any animal, I would still choose not to. Sure, I daydream about being a gazelle, but I have way too much anxiety to be any kind of prey animal (let alone such a vulnerable one). If I had to be an animal I’d be a dog; safe from that real nature shit, still eating

I’m going to surprise you here! I’m a dude, but not very regular. I’ve been reading the articles more often though, and adding Metamucil to my routine, so I will keep you abreast of any updates if the situation transpires.

As a guy who hasn’t done online dating either, I will say I laughed twice, which has to be a good thing, because I have to assume that’s the real goal in these blurbs. The Duck Dynasty line and the Gotham question as a follow-up to serious questions. Of course, I’m not your target here, so take that for what it’s

Thanks! I haven’t even started a profile; I need to grab some recent decent pictures, but the question’s been in my head. Also, I literally stepped in a pile of dog shit while typing that on my phone. I’m 50-50 on whether that makes the profile, but wanted to share it here, because FUCK! I just stepped in dog shit!

Would “you” be better, or still directed at a girl or woman (I am so struggling to come up with a better word right now than woman or girl. I don’t know why. I’m assuming ‘broad’ is out of the question...) I too am new to online dating and seek advice!

It’s also willfully-obtuse to pretend that producers will cast the show with fairness in mind, rather than hyping it up as a chance to win the lottery, which many people might be induced to jump at. Just as willfully-obtuse as pretending that there aren’t TV viewers ready to lap this up, regardless of how

I share your pessimism, but we at least got a well-written article out of it! I almost block-quoted the first paragraph on poverty, because it cuts right to a huge blind spot that our society has in defining poverty solely by $, without understanding any of the reality or complexity or contributing factors, or

To be fair, I thought the same thing about Intervention after a few seasons and it’s currently in season 15. To be clear, I am not at all trying to be snarky.

The worst thing is he’s a family friend. That gif is so f’n awkward for me, and I expect to see it posted for years and years to come.

Not to give him credit or believe this as genuine, but am I the only one was absolutely shocked by his first paragraph? I mean, I was waiting the twist the whole time, and it never came! He said a small block quote of reasonable words!

+1 upping Milton Friedman?


I’m not proud, but I listened to Dashboard. It was sophomore year of high school, but I am not proud.

And that’s without even mentioning Judith Miller!

Very coherent comment! It takes enormous energy to put one together after any Brooks column, but this one stands out among all of his pointless word salads.

I know it’s not a car game, but I still do love me some Excite Bike...

This is why Jon Stewart will be so dearly missed; we are out of truly good interviewers. It’s woefully depressing, in that he is a comedian, whose interviews run 15 minutes, or up to 20+ but only hosted online, and very rarely is the interview subject a particularly important or controversial figure, rather than

Hi, will you go out with me?

Your smile is contagious!

He’s not Jewish; his father was Jewish, he was baptized Episcopalian (I believe) but attended Catholic school and claims that Catholicism had the most influence on his belief system. I don’t trust him as being honest and I’m sure he picks and chooses depending on the situation and how it helps him, but that’s what