Or light some candles and take a bubble bath...
Or light some candles and take a bubble bath...
Mmmm. I could eat a horse.
Of coooourse she named her kid Snow.
And who the hell sleeps well after a one-night stand!? I'm in a strange bed, or I'm at home and I have to share the sheets. Odds are I'm probably a little hungover too. How do you have the energy to want to hang out!? Let me nap!
Were they going back to the limo to reload? Because that sounds like retreating...
You brought your parents to college parties?
The family that's cray together stays together.
Jaden Tweets In Sentence Case but willow steadfastly uses lowercase? I am very hung up on this.
I'll speak from my own personal experience here, as a white man who was raised in a home that was paycheck-to-paycheck.
One major challenge is that although that group will be a minority, it's had the entire course of history to accumulate wealth and power, and that power is firmly entrenched. Even as a small minority, white Christians will hold wildly disproportionate influence. I do have some hope; enough that I can sustain myself…
I want to tell you how good their music is; how you should totally give them a chance. But I cannot argue your logic in good faith.
The dog's livetweets are even worse.
AP doesn't abuse drugs! He just disciplines them.
I'll admit: I'm only as sincere as whole grain brown rice. I aspire to Hathaway's sense of self.
Holy shit! NO! It wasn't that one! Food brings people together; food blogs apparently rip us apart!
I can't remember - the comments were so unreal I blacked out the rest. God, I wish I could find it!
Careful - at the wrong blog they will cut you for not spelling it bleu.
Ah, that's a really good point. The reason I enjoy these foody throwdowns is because it really is such an incredibly benign topic which makes the emotional investment totally bonkers. And in most cases, people will pile on a bit, for the reason you brought up. I look forward to continued study into the phenomenon!
The first few deathmatches I witnessed were at standalone food blogs, with no gawker/jezebel snark at all! It started with a recipe for cake and immediately devolved into a C-word bombing melee. So there's been continuity for me here! It really is a small sample size though - I think I'm just lucky; right place,…
Do food blogs attract a uniquely hostile type of commenter? Some of the most insane comment battles have been over the wrong type of cheese, and both sides were ready to fight to the death. I just recently started coming here and I've already been treated to the gem below who will not abide anyone misusing the word…