
That racism wasn’t aimed towards you, though. It was aimed towards visibly ethnic Hispanics (I am one of those) that have it infinitely worse than you ever will.

Michelle Duggar said transgender people will assault girls in public restrooms. Meanwhile her own son assaulted her girls. The pair of balls that woman has to make accusations like that knowing she had her own predator at home, and he wasn’t gay or transgender, but she’s projecting those crimes onto innocent people.

“Forgive me please, but that’s what you get when you play with people’s emotions.”

I was raised in a Pentacostal church, washed in the blood of the lamb, raised within a spirit-filled congregation, speaking in tongues, praying in the spirit, being healed in God’s merciful light. When I was a struggling, almost-suicidal 21 year old who had never had a relationship, I went to the front during the

Pretty much any combinations of words coming out of the talking hole of a guy trying to get me to fuck him without a condom.

When I was in eleventh grade, my depression was getting out of control. I was actually about two months away from a suicide attempt, but obviously didn't know that yet. I was taking chemistry with an evil teacher who clearly hated students and was just waiting for full pension. He was a bully to his students and I

That daughter and grandson sure are gonna miss their supplemental income, aka the dead lady's social security check.

Sometimes you need to just close the porn of your cousin and move on with life. Some questions do not need an answer.

It's way fucking weirder to share it with your family to confirm an identity.