
She looks pretty interested in him in the video. And they're close enough that he's trying to propose. It doesn't sound dominating at all to me. A sleaze maybe… Upon watching the video I definitely get why the father has reservations and this weird reggae song certainly wouldn't change my mind.

I hate it when people pick songs just because they have bad associations with them. This song (and its video) is hilariously, objectively bad. But instead of joyously mocking it we all have to go on this sad journey about someone's dead grandmom. Talk about rude…

Remember when Fox Business freaked out about how "anti-capitalist" the Lego Movie (along with the Muppets movie, The Lorax, and Robocop) was? One guy said President Business looked like Mitt Romney and a woman defended Mr. Potter in It's a Wonderful Life.

Definitely. I feel the same way. The music from that time that I listen to now, I didn't know existed back then.

Right on with the Letterman thing.

Yeah we're Bridge Generation Babies… Too weird to live, too rare to die…

100% Agreed. I was born in 1983, so I was 11/12 during this 94/95 season. I hated SNL for all the late 90s. I loved and was nostalgic for the early 90s shows because 1) they were great and 2) I had Gen-X envy.

Yes sir, it surely is.

I share this dream. Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down - the whole band 3 Doors Down really - makes me furious. I can't believe no one has picked it yet.

This list sucks. It's a dumb endeavor to undertake in the first place as you can't definitively rank one movie as objectively funnier than another. But there's also notable omissions and bizarre selections. Just an all around #Fail here.

So your position is that there's not enough talking and too much action in GoT…

Your point is taken.

The way things were done before had a reason for it. Characters like Arya and Sansa and others were being established. Now they've been established. We don't need to see them grudgingly making their way from one place to another if there's nothing happening on that journey.

All the things you're talking about had important narrative reasons for them. The journey on king's road featured important interactions between characters. It that's not going to take place, there's no sense in showing the travel.

I can't wait until the books are finally finished for people like this to tell me how much better they are than the show. Thankfully it looks like it I may be dead before that actually happens.

A lot of the GoT I'm reading reviews are annoying for much the same reason. These writers apparently think the show has all the time the world to dwell on every single bit of plot minutia.

Meh. I never felt one way or another about Prince.

I didn't understand why they didn't turn back and go to Alexandria. I understand Maggie needed help but it was pretty clear they weren't going to make it - or even if they did they wouldn't be able to just hang out there.

Good call.