
This was refreshing and cathartic to read. I was in 7th/8th grade in 1997 and the music was hell. Basically it was this shit or the classic rock station. Life was hard when modems were dial-up. You kids today will never know the struggle.

I'm a sucker for pretty much anything Mike McCready does. Some of the solos he turns out in concert - especially on the ballads like Black, Alive and Yellow Ledbetter - really get me.

You guys ever see that like 10 minute version of Bruce Springsteen and Tom Morello playing Ghost of Tom Joad? Tom's guitar work blows me away in that.

‘Yeah, but he’s just out of prison. Wouldn’t he want a blowjob?’

Of course it's a terrible movie. But it's also friggin Awesome.

"Snipes had been on a run of action movies: Passenger 57, Boiling Point, Money Train"

"Too much time is wasted on a middling Walking Dead"

I always liked this movie. I liked the show too but I wasn't crazy about it. I think some of you nerds are too hard on the movie.

"The way he scolds his audience for not laughing at unfunny jokes…"

Also Bill Maher sucks. He's a whiny old crank that bitches about Muslims, millennials and anyone else he doesn't understand or agree with. His jokes aren't funny and when his audience doesn't laugh at them he scolds them like its their fault. He's an entitled little brat who's given batshit crazy morons a seat at the

I have so many opinions about all of this. I'm going to start with this paragraph:

Haha! It's cool. Times are tough right now. We're all on edge. And I get your points. They're fair. I'm just saying maybe it's not ALL just the system. Maybe she's made some questionable decisions. But no, I don't KNOW that she has.
Maybe she does just takes what she can get.

I don't think it's ridiculous to postulate that she's passed on doing a good movie at some point in the past two years, if only because she was already committed to doing so many other pictures. It's not like she only gets offered scraps. Up In the Air was good and she got to play opposite George Clooney. Twilight

This movie sounds horrible and not because you can't have girls do boy things. It just seems like a really asinine gender role to swap.

"Touch Myself", Divinyls

Seeing a list like this, you really appreciate that shocking array of turd variety that's out there…

This is a very good question.

I didn't care about Lee or Flora either. I was like screw these people. Zero attachment to those characters. If I ever rewatch this season, I'll just stop at the second to last episode.

This was one of the best seasons by far but I feel like it ended weird. After last week's episode I turned to my girlfriend and asked: "How is there another episode? Everyone's dead."

The Chens have no reason to murder but they do it all the same. So do those random hunters.