
Seriously. Bad ass dudes don't talk that much. You'd think he'd just get to swinging and that'd make his damn point.

This totally reminded me of that whole fade-to-black disappointment that was the Sopranos finale.

This is all right and more…

That's the thing though. It's one thing to view yourself as good. Yes, everyone does that. But they don't necessarily view their political opponents as EVIL. That's the thing here. They may view them as wrong or misguided but not evil.

Slow your roll Captain America. I'm not saying America is evil. Just that we seem to flip our shit on a lot of people. The whole point is that we're constantly overreacting and calling other people evil, not that America is a bad country. And if you're tired of people thinking critically maybe head over to Buzzfeed or

I got you. I mean, I understand things the Soviet dictators did were bad. I think my question is does everything have to boil down to "Good vs. Evil" with America the presumed good?

Right first it was the British so we throw them out.

Is it possible that they didn't hate us as much as we hated them?

Don't thank me, thank Jesus.

I'm working on a Christian movie…

I, a lot of other people, and Tom Morello himself had this same vexation when Paul Ryan said RATM was one of his favorite bands… It's like, are you that self-unaware? We're talking about people like you. You're the bad guy here.

A lot of people seem to have really strong feelings about Courtney Love…

In a way, Conan has extended his creative vision with Conaco productions. That's what we have to thank for Eagleheart - a show that I think is relevant to this article, considering its spoofy nature. But I feel like little else of value has emerged.