It looked to me like he walked into the bat. I don’t think she intended to hurt him. He walked in front of the cabinet she was going to attack next.
It looked to me like he walked into the bat. I don’t think she intended to hurt him. He walked in front of the cabinet she was going to attack next.
I realize I’m edging close to, if not actually in conspiracy theory territory, but isn’t Boris Johnson becoming PM exactly what Putin would want to happen? Brexit, with its almost certain disruption of the UK economy, also sounds like a Putin wet dream come true. And the Russians tried to involve themselves in the…
I just read a letter from some guy in my hometown saying that people who don’t have children in school should get 2/3 of their taxes back. I’ve never had children, but I’m happy to contribute to good schools. These current children will be taking care of me some day. I want them to be well-educated, empathetic, and…
There are certain people who are required to carry a gun for their job. Uniformed police officers are among them. If the “no guns in here” rule applied to uniformed police officers (it’s not clear) then the officer did the right thing in leaving; the security guard did the wrong thing by pulling his weapon and…
Re: cheating - no, if you eat carbs after hitting ketosis, you just have to stop eating carbs again and go back into ketosis. It doesn’t invalidate your entire life.
I’m not just becoming my mother, I’m becoming my grandmother. I really see the utility of housecoats.
I know what the tunnels are for. They’re for the horrible luggage scheme that was so useless that it delayed the opening of the airport for at least a year. They were supposed to shoot luggage to the right place by the intelligence coded into the luggage tags without people having to be involved except at the very…
As someone who knows what Welcome Back Otter refers to, I feel your pain.
Wait. What’s the conspiracy theory about the Denver Airport? I lived there when the switch was made from Stapleton, which was close-in and easy to get to, to DIA, which ate luggage and required a long trek into the wilderness. I’ll believe anything about DIA. Yes, it’s pretty, but it also really messed up my ability…
Haha! Yes.
Or every time I said “Because I don’t want to” to my father when he told me to do something, and then he’d go into the explanation of how I was begging the question and if I ever expected to win an argument (I knew better by then) I had to come up with something he’d accept.
I would have enjoyed the story a lot more if I hadn’t been so distracted by the dreadful hair styles on almost every single character. I know they’re accurate, but to my eyes everyone looked like an idiot, and I could barely stand to watch.
Madeline and Abigail’s argument on Abigail going to college is driving me nuts. Just say fine, you don’t have to go to college. You have to pay rent and for your car/phone/food/etc. It won’t take long before Abigail decides that college looks like a good idea.
Those bangs are just SO bad. I wonder if they have some part to play in the rest of the story, like the police take a look at her in those bangs and decide she can’t be any kind of mastermind because no one with any sense would walk around in public like that.
Wait. If we all went down to the WH and coughed at it we might get rid of Darth Cheeto? I would do this.
Yes... I had to deal with helping my mother, who was in a nursing home after being discharged from the hospital. She’d been in bed so long that she couldn’t walk anymore, or stand up by herself, or wipe herself, and she felt so miserable and wanted to get off the commode and go back to bed and she was sobbing because…
I finally figured it out. She thinks we care. She’s so impressed by herself that she really thinks someone gives a shit what she does or says.
When we were little we moved to Europe for my father’s job, and then we moved back when I was in 9th grade. Clothing in Europe used to be (and possibly still is) at least two seasons ahead of the US, and we had been buying European stuff for years (it’s what’s available in Europe...) For example, everyone in the US…
I know one of those 420 “doctors”. Though he was an actual physician, the specialty he was forced to stop practicing in had nothing to do with anything that would have qualified him to know which people had pain/anxiety/whatever issues that would have benefited from cannabis. Now that it’s legal, I wonder what he’s…
Yeah, I had a bad reaction to a vaccine. That isn’t going to stop me from getting other vaccines, just from getting the second part of that vaccine.