
Oh hell no. I moved down to Virginia from New England more than 20 years ago and I’m still stunned that they don’t believe the Civil War is over. In New England we’re taught that the Civil War ran from 1861 - 1865 and then it ended.

I see that footage of tiny Ruby and those big men, and I think damn, they couldn’t have held her hand? I would never have let so young a child deal with that without someone at least holding her hand, but then I’m not a law enforcement professional, I’m the aunt of a lot of small kids. Maybe they needed their hands

I wonder how they compare per capita to the US.  Somehow I figure we’re still number 1.  Yay?

Is ANYBODY surprised?  Goddam sonsabitches.  


And the fucker didn’t even need to WALK. He could have taken a car. He doesn’t need to walk anywhere, and almost never does as far as I can tell. They could have driven, gotten out of the car, taken a picture, gotten back in. Oh, but then he wouldn’t have been able to watch as they gassed people and shot rubber

Thank you for this.  I laughed so loud I woke up my dog!

Yes! It’s like “Southern Heritage, which just coincidentally includes the KKK and lynching and blacks as second-class citizens, but is important to keep because it’s history.

Those WERE the fashions.  When we look back at things, they look ridiculous (I think the seventies were the height of ugly, myself), but back then they were in.  Some day we’ll look back at now and wonder what the hell we were thinking.

Well, my sister just said she’d never speak to me again, blocked me on all social media, uninvited me from weddings, tried to get other people to do the same... because of a typo on facebook. She says no, it’s not a typo, it’s my true colors finally appearing; she’s known how horrible I am for years and I finally

Sending you gentle hugs, if you would like them.  I’m sorry about your friend.

RWNJs? Republicans with no... jello? juice? jellybeans?  I can’t think of a word that starts with J that has anything to do with intelligence, though that would be the obvious choice.

And they keep saying you can get tested if you want to be.  No, you can’t.  You have to pass a stringent set of requirements, which some people who have ended up on a respirator or dead haven’t met.  The only people who can get tested are those who work in the White House, who are apparently tested every fucking day.

Sounds like Russian election year propaganda.

Barron’s a child. Let’s leave kids out of this.  Kids don’t choose who they’re related to.  If nothing else that makes us more humane than Republicans, who don’t care who they pick on.

Yeah, it’s not like they were anyone’s grandparents or anything, they were just old people in nursing homes who didn’t contribute to political campaigns or go vote, so who really cares?

I don’t think it was the royal life per se... Meghan seemed to love the meeting people and being out and doing things part of the job, and she was certainly good at it.  I think it was the racist part of the British press.  The Daily Mail was relentless.

My mom was on the Racine Belles farm team (for high school, though my mom was younger).  She said it was a blast.  I never asked her if there was crying.

It makes me laugh how much they care about sticking it to the libs, when as far as I can see, we libs don’t particularly give a shit what they do. We just think they’re stupid...

Fine. Let him die. He’s an adult.  If he’s too stupid to attend to his own safety, you can’t stop him.  I just hope he doesn’t take anyone else with him.  Except trump.  He could take any of the trumps with him.