
Can your dad adopt me?  He sounds great!

The big colors of that era were avocado green, harvest gold, and rust. They went along with “earth tones” and “natural” things like jute and wool and other fibers, including, as mentioned above, macrame wall hangings, etc. Think hippies, think mother earth, think protest against the war (in Viet Nam) and desire for

Frozen grapes! They’re like little convenient packages of grape sherbet.

“Leery” trash?  I do not think that word means what he thinks it means.

My hair faded to a nondescript lightish brownish red except for two spots on either side of my forehead which are still an intense light red. It’s bizarre. I just use henna now, because I’m allergic to the chemicals in hair dye. My hair isn’t the same color red it was, but it’s red, which is how I feel comfortable.

Sadly, hatred of the poor is common among the rich and the merely well-off, too.  It’s a way to make the poorness of the poor their own fault and not just because they don’t have the resources available to them that other people do.

You have permission to take up space in the conversation and say what you think. Thank you for your consideration of the voices of women. Not everyone is that considerate. However, think of it as a choir. If all of the voices are soprano and alto, something is missing.

Tell him to weigh the respective priorities we should give between on one hand a possibility that a soul exists in a pea-sized glob of cells unable to live on its own, a possibility to which several major religions and several sects of other major religions do not ascribe, and on the other hand, a living breathing

Ah, yes... the “he needed killin’” defense.

No, that sounds not just normal but important and logical. Care to share the details?

Do you remember the Quilted Northern toilet paper ad that starred a bunch of animated women (of course they were all women) sitting around a large quilt apparently knitting the edge? It was hilarious. They very quickly substituted a new commercial showing all of the animated women sewing around the edge.  I can’t even

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Making a note for my family so they never ever put me in a nursing home. Just give me a hug and let me go.

If not, they used to be.  I remember going to Jack in the Box in NYC when I was little.

Laws are not beliefs, and forcing other people to conform to your religious beliefs is prohibited by the Constitution. Remember separation of church and state?  That’s still in force.

A state is a political construct.  It can’t have beliefs.  This is about conservative (often Evangelical) Christians wanting everyone, even those who believe differently, to follow their beliefs.

I’m so glad she’s getting help.  I really hope no one encourages her to go back to performing until SHE wants to do it.

Epsom salts are a good additive to a bath full of water because you can absorb magnesium through your skin, and most people are a little low on magnesium (it’s hard to get magnesium by taking supplements; I don’t know about foods with magnesium, see above re most people being a little low).  I usually just soak my

I think I’d go with “Dirk Machete”.  lol

I have a friend who was diagnosed with bipolar... she eventually decided not to share that diagnosis with anyone who wasn’t her therapist, because doctors heard “bipolar” and decided they couldn’t treat her.  Even if she went in because she sprained her ankle.  

Please tell me she dumped him immediately.