
Finally I get to answer questions on here! :)

It’s so stupid and short-sighted to not pay for it, given the long-term health benefits of being lighter.

There is a great interview in the NYT this week with an obesity expert. What she says is that obesity is a medical problem and that we should be treating it with medication. That her patients in the past have illustrated to her that even exercising and eating healthy do not always result in weight loss and the health

I have taken Hydroxychloroquine for AS for a decade, and it truly gave me a new lease on a life I was no longer sure was worth living due to pain. At the start of the pandemic, my doctor tripled my prescription and said load up baby, because we are going into a shortage due to doctors wrongly prescribing it for Covid

A some who is diabetic and couldn’t get this drug in spite of being an ideal candidate because of everyone taking it as the hip new weight loss drug, all of you wanting to take it to lose weight can f*ck all the way off. Spend that money on a gym membership like the rest of us do you lazy a$$holes. Let people who need

No shit. I’m on Trulicity, which I’m in love with. The hoops my doctor and I had to jump through to get insurance to cover it was fucking ridiculous. They really don’t want to pay despite the fact I’ve paid my insurance company *plenty* over the last two decades.

Aside from scaling up production, insurance companies really need to just cover the damn thing already for weight loss.

Her career is more than her looks. You’re thinking of Emily Ratajkowski. 

I keep seeing comments like yours but the thing is if your child did this and came out as bi Teddie wouldn’t be giving you any privacy. He would have the police at your door to arrest you for abusing your child and have protective services take your child away. They are pushing laws like this in many states. So please

Yup. I hate Ted Cruz as much as anyone, and surely his parenting and being such a huge and divisive public figure have a lot to do with this young woman’s suffering. But also - she’s 14 and she did not run for public office, so can we not breathlessly cover this? I know we all want to own Ted Cruz, but let’s not do it

Teenage years suck and the added notoriety of being Cruz’s daughter probably makes navigating society a bit harder than it should be. An event like this being plastered over the Internet gives another weapon for people to attack a young woman who has little control over why she’s so notable.

I notice that with women of a certain age. Someone told them heavy dark eyeliner and nude lipstick makes you look younger, and they believed them.  I appreciate the need to make your eyes “pop”, but there’s ways to do it that don’t make you look like Queen of the Underworld. 

Why would you fuck with that face?

This is why you don’t legislate based on religion. Religion is all “feelings,” and having nothing to do with science or FUCKING REAL WORLD SITUATIONS!

This is exactly right. These were the intended consequences. At the moment of fertilization, that egg has more rights than the women carrying it. Even if it endangers her life. Even if it means she becomes sterile.

They don’t care. She’s not a person to them. 

But it’s not unintended consequences. You knew a story like this could happen, but you went ahead anyway.

So by delaying the abortion of an non-viable pregnancy, they may have also destroyed this woman’s fertility?  

I would say this is a fully intended consequence. You can’t know about a consequence, keep the law the same, and say Oops! Who knew that would happen! But to reiterate the comment below, lunatic “Christians” do not care about women. 

She’s been the right wing boogyman for nearly two decades and despite the constant attacks she was able to masterfully deal with a large and diverse caucus get more done than she’s credited for. It’ll make watching McCarthy trying to keep (and almost definitely failing) the fascist clown show that is his caucus in