
Josh Hartnett, you absolute fuckstick.

Oh, my favorite one!

They keep finding him drunk in halls surrounded by underage girls (17 year-old freshers) in various stages of undress. Last year he managed to get into ABH and slept with a girl before getting caught due to noise complaints.

This story is too long to write but lets say that Chelsea Handler is a giant shallow vapid bitchbag and she takes joy out of watching her pig male staff treat women like shit.

See if you can get some money for it. Put the story with it, and I bet a collector would love it.

I worked in the entertainment industry in the late 90’s. Here’s my rundown.

I’ve heard from multiple sources that Ellen Degeneres is a bitch and I desperately want to learn that this is false.

Bill Clinton is as devastatingly charming in person as he appears on TV. That’s all I got.

I went to St. Andrews for university, so we had quite a few golf-loving celebs come through, especially during the Dunhill Cup. At one point I went out with a couple of my friends from hall to go watch some of it, and it was just as boring as you’d expect from, y’know, golf. So we’re talking about how boring it is and

If it’s any consolation, he hit on my friend in college and I stole his cell-phone number from her. I pretended to be her and led him on every time he was back in Boston, until I finally got him to show up at the Hotel Commonwealth and cut communication entirely. He got angry and vulgar; if Bob Saget thinks you’re a

I cannot support the right of a government to execute its own citizens. That is fucked up.

Not to be too glib, but there is a very big difference between believing a person deserves to die and believing that state sanctioned murder is okay. Or there *should* be. For the record, I don’t think you are wrong in feeling that they deserve death and feeling glad that they are going to die, and understand that it

what you need is fucking Jesus and Mohammed and fucking Vishnu

It doesn’t work. And the more important question is whether we think justice is just a fancy word for punishment. I’m sure that some people believe that retribution is the right goal for a justice system. I’m not one of them.

And, from what I understand, significantly more cost effective than the death penalty.

Not really. There will be years and years of appeal.

Because they’re, like, SO SUBVERSIVE, man!

I don't like Coke, but it tastes really good when it's being expensed from a mini bar.

Not all these women get dumped...most of them are trashing the dress post wedding. I’m actually more in favor of trashing a dress in the case of getting dumped because you can bet your ass that if I am at the stage of wedding planning where I have the dress in hand and my dude dumps me I am going to break shit. That

Trashing the dress is so weird. I am starting to hate that it is a thing. Why even bother spending the money on the dress? You spend hundreds or thousands on a dress and then make it worthless and unusable for anyone else. Why not donate it or give it to Goodwill so another less fortunate bride can use it? Why not