I think just looking at that picture of him saved my life.
I think just looking at that picture of him saved my life.
...especially when that phone would have rang and been answerable through the hands-free Bluetooth audiosystem that is standard in, like, every car these days.
I just tracked down the four people from these tweets and stabbed them in the eyes. #soworthit #yourewelcome
It’s so annoying that I can’t enjoy articles like this because, like, I always seem to know what Harvard researchers are going to prove before they prove it :/ bummer.
AMEN. At first I was relieved to serve at Steakback Outhouse, which had no lunch service back then, but imagine my horror when they decided to open Sunday lunch several months after opening my location. Oh, the hatred.
There’s not some sort of force field around Bruce Jenner. It’s not like coverage of him doesn’t massively affect the way we speak about transgender people as a group. Even you could say he wasn’t vulnerable (and uhm, unless you’ve gone through this process, I think you can’t say that), lots of other people affected by…
I like the cut of your jib.
What happy alternate universe do you live in where this is not only accepted school conversation but respectfully and constructively discussed by students?
You want this goat. You do.
Sheep can be very social with people if you raise them from lambs. My grandma has some that she keeps as semi-pets. However, sheep are not nice to pet. Their wool is very oily and smells bad when its wet. Imagine wet dog x 100. You also can’t housebreak them, and they like to headbutt things. They will also eat…
Sadly, you don’t really want a lamb. Sheep are very stupid. VERY stupid. Stupid, and smelly. We actually had an orphan lamb. We brought her to the house, because she’d have died at the pasture without her mother to protect her from the rest of the sheep and the goats. Once that first day of clean cuteness was over, it…
If you listen to all the things that the Christian Right claims are acts of Satan and things that Satan wants, he actually sounds like a really nice, kind person.
You could add, “so don’t make a project out of her because at some point it’s going to stop being cute and become harassment.”
I have watched this show and I have a 100% opposite opinion of it. Then again I hate anything by the Bronte sisters so I am probably not the target audience. To each their own, I suppose.
I thought this would be a big moment for the transgender community. Turns out it's a big moment for everyone. So inspired. Let's all be who we are and be happy, shall we?
For the sake of education, not for being pedantic: what’s wrong with ‘brief’?