
Worth noting here: the individual who identified as a woman their entire life but lived that life as a man and has now come out as transgender, is far and away the most genuine, non-attention-whore individual in the family.

When I was pregnant, I stood in line for Ben and Jerry’s free cone day. I got two scoops of ice cream and when my friend said “hey! Why does she get two?”, the woman who scooped said in a no nonsense tone “preggos get two scoops”. Yay for two scoops!

First, I think fuck may be the appropriate answer for Dr. Phil because there will be no fucking (based on the statement about Bruce Jenner being past his prime despite them being the same age, so maybe he’s talking about himself).

Kill: myself

Ok! Fuck, marry, kill!

I’m 5’3” and small in build. After years of flying across the country very regularly (sometimes every other month) I have discovered the following:

Flight attendants are not allowed to lift passenger bags. Too many of them were getting injuries from the hefty bags they were being asked to lift, and there was too many absences due to strains and other injuries.

I’m wondering if you’re my sister . . . was the only entertainment during time out the random globe in the dining room? Did you become really good at Carmen Sandiego as a result?

Mine sent me to a corner without my books. According to legend I used to silently cry, facing the wall, and when my punishment time was up I would then go fetch my books, go back to my corner, and read.

No. Flat out, NO. I live in Sihanoukville, Cambodia and the worst thing you can do is interact with street kids. I know it’s tough, but teaching them to braid, stamping their hands, giving them money (especially) is very, very dangerous. I don’t know how to say this eloquently, but white people look the same. Being

Duh. Was it not Jesus himself who said it’s not real charity unless somebody sees it? He did say that. Because it’s true.

But couldn’t it also be traumatic to have your husband who you love refuse to have sex with you, when you’re the one initiating sex, and you can’t understand why? A person doesn’t lose all sexual desire and feeling, or desire for physical intimacy with their partner, when they have dementia. It’s not a clear cut

Just because someone is acquitted of rape, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Hoping a rapist is convicted is different than hoping someone was raped.

My dad took all my ooks whenever I was grounded! Little did he know I can entertain myself reading instruction manuals ad writing my own stories to read later..

Or they could have been the kind of staff who are irritated by residents having sex, I've worked with plenty of aides and nurses who would go out of their way to prevent even the most sound of mind residents from being sexual because of the attitude of ewww old people having sex is gross. Either way this is incredibly

I guess it’s risky giving the benefit of the doubt to somebody, but man...I think it’d be really damn hard to watch a spouse whom you loved and with whom you were physically affectionate slip away like that. Not that I think actually raping your spouse is forgivable in this case, but I can certainly muster a little

Excellent points. But since you require high order mental functioning for consent, would you say that mentally impaired people should not have sex? I’m assuming sex with an equally impaired person would be ok.

So we’re accepting now that people with Alzheimers can’t be sexual with their spouses, or just that nursing homes get to decide who gets to be sexual with whom?

Gracefully and with respect. :)

I enjoyed reading all the responses to your question, all the moms who agree that it is difficult and relentless but oh so worth it. It is true for so many people. But there exists a not-insignificant portion of mothers who don’t feel that way. They aren’t vocal about it, because there doesn’t seem to be much support