I reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly hate that we are still talking about these bigots for other reasons other than their bigotry.
I reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly hate that we are still talking about these bigots for other reasons other than their bigotry.
I kinda love it? Someone with more panache could definitely carry it off.
For one, swore up and down as indignantly as is humanly possible that she was sober. She took someone else’s (probably) narcotic and didn’t consider it a slip. She made a whole mess of accusations about people’s husbands and children. She set people/pitbull relations back by decades and put the funk into family…
The dog they either privately re-homed, or quietly had euthanized. I’m guessing the latter, because they done fucked that dog up big time, and then fucked up even more by trying to avoid reporting the last serious bite.
But Uber is, like, NOTORIOUSLY bad for handling customer issues. So I can understand why she was blowing them up. It took arguing with them for almost a month for them to refund a $55 charge they gave me when they mistakenly sent me an Uber Black car instead of an UberX like I’d requested, but the driver told me when…
To be fair, I would also be “freaking the fuck out” if a company had repeatedly tried to charge $12,000 to my credit card. And based on my personal experience with Uber being terrible at handling customer complaints, I wouldn’t exactly feel assured simply because someone from Uber told me that they were escalating my…
Read the article linked in above:
OK, so we’re ignoring the really egregious unethical actions (ie the 10mill donors) for now. You’ve stated before that legacies are more likely to have access to privileges that the vast majority of students do not have. You really think that, if two students are truly equally qualified, we should pick the kid who…
When legacies are getting into schools at 5x the rate of regular applicants there is a lot more going on than just legacies having been given more resources and thus becoming better students. Also, your assertion that IQ is heritable (a “fact” used to support scientific racism) has been thoroughly debunked.
I’m from the Midwest/Plains and have a good friend who ended up at a prestigious boarding school on the east coast (no scholarship money was involved in her case). We stayed close throughout high school despite the distance. When I got accepted to my #1 choice school senior year—a prestigious university on the east…
Spoken like a true legacy kid. I’m sure you had good qualifications; that doesn’t mean that all of your fellow legacies did. Your last paragraph is dead-on for the admissions part, but you’re ignoring that a huge amount of poor kids drop out of ivies not because they can’t keep up academically, but because they feel…
Yep. And there is a huge difference between the job fairs at my state uni undergrad alma mater and Ivy grad alma mater.
You’re sort of implying here that legacy kids are getting in because they have superior qualifications, resulting from the opportunities they’ve had in their lives. But the colleges don’t even pretend that— they are pretty open that being a legacy makes you more likely to get in, regardless of your actual…
My standard response whenever I hear anyone decrying affirmative action or talking about quotas or any of that other nonsense is to say, “Okay, let’s start with legacies.”
Ha! Try the experience of realizing that the scholarship that allows you to attend a certain school is endowed by the family of one of your classmates. So you are a XXX Scholar, but Cornelius XXX is sitting next to you in class. Awk-ward.
This kind of reporting on the Sony hacks I’m interested in, not a bitchy rundown of Amy Pascal’s grooming products.
I always enjoyed meeting people at my school and casually wondering “hm, I wonder how they got in here”
Then why are there entire threads being deleted that question your motives?
I don’t think anyone would appreciate having their pubic hair dye purchase history being posted online, regardless of the poster’s intent. No matter what it comes across as mean-spirited effort to humiliate. Writing stuff like “LOL her crotch” is just so gross.