
I agree. I’m just thinking about my own experiences losing people to Alzheimer’s. One of the ugliest things about the disease is its moments of clarity and lucidity, which can almost trick you into believing the person is “back to normal” and you can go back to your prior relationship. What would be really sad is if

On the flip side of that, depending on the nature of the relationship between the spouses, a person with dementia/alzheimers may indeed want to have sex. My coworkers father just passed away from cancer, and her mother has Alzheimer's. She is fairly certain they continued their sexual relationship after her diagnosis.

I think, more than anything, I’d like to know his side (not the statements of his lawyers). Most of us here are fairly comfortable with the concept of somebody not being capable of consent, but for a guy who’s almost 80, if his wife seemed coherent and consenting I don’t think there should be any surprise he would

At the same time, adults who are not fully in control of their facilities might still want intimacy and desire sex. Who gets to decide if they can have it?

I’m at a phase in my life where I’m in contact with more truly rich people than ever before - as in, people who are rich and have always been rich and are rich enough that complaining about the cost of private Upper East Side preschools on a lawyer’s salary isn’t ludicrous to them - and I’ve realized it’s not ~just~

So are children of nursing home residents. I worked in a nursing home as a teenager; my mother is still a nurse at one. She’s told me many stories of residents in dementia wards getting it on with each other— and the only people who are really horrified are the children. “Ick, Mom/Dad is too old for that!” My mom, who

Yeah, I know a lady with early on-set Alzheimers and she talks pretty openly about her desire to still boink her husband. In the same breathe she’ll tell you that you are locked out of the house and should call the police to get access- all the while you are sitting in the living room with the TV on. The husband is

Yeah, I honestly don’t aunt died of early onset dementia and one of the early signs was that she started acting out sexually. I have no idea (not do I want to know) whether she and my uncle had sex towards the end. But honestly, if they did, I wouldn’t care. They loved each other. Physical contact can give

Yes, but the article also makes clear that many nursing homes and nursing home staff are fairly anti-sex when it comes to their residents.

I once dated someone who was from a super rich family (trust funds and Matisse and Monet in the dining room rich). His mom drove a beat up 15 year old Volvo. That is how you know you are really rich - when you have priceless art but pretend that you don’t care about money. It’s its own kind of pretension, actually.

Dont most teenage/college girls dress like Han Solo nowadays?

Real rich people don’t have to impress you, so they wear whatever the fuck they want. Dressing very ostentatiously is a nouveau-riche thing.

Oh, please. There was a time on this site where a comment like that would have gotten you disemvoweled, if not banned.

I’m no Dave Matthews fan, but saying someone has a scat fetish seems like such an obvious way to discredit a musician you don’t like. Plus, it is pretty unlikely that if someone as famous as Dave Matthews had a scat fetish and was indiscreet enough to discuss it with random strangers, we wouldn’t have heard a lot more

Absolutely. That’s the first thing I thought about when I saw it. If it was Taylor Swift and I dunno... Steve Tyler or someone, people would be losing their shit.

Yeah it really looks like she didn’t have his permission to do that. I feel for him and am uncomfortable with people laughing at his reaction.

The idea that the GOP is fiscally responsible is a myth. They use terrible plans that appear good on the very short term but destroy the economy on the long term.

when you vote GOP, this is what you're voting for.

That sound you just heard is his hopes of being a 2016 GOP Presidential candidate imploding. Badly.

LOL at "sighing audibly." Yes it's truly very annoying when people demand that you treat others with dignity and respect and force you, as a public servant, to answer for your fuckheadedness. Being a rich, Christian white man in power is SO HARD GUYZ.