
Which is so interesting, because my general understanding is that Scientology needs/wants Tom as their Major Celebrity for marketing their religion. Or at least that was the case at one time. And yet he's not allowed to talk about it (or doesn't want to).

Remove Madonna* replace with Nicki. I'm in.

The other thing is, you can't talk about it, even with other high level OTs. Talking about it would no doubt lead to, "Are they kidding with this stuff?"

How can you not know Burt Jenner? The one who wears a shirt covered in images if Kim's crying face?

Good for you Leah Remini.

When is Jennifer Aniston going to get an apology for the years of pregnancy she's had to endure?

It's ironic how that works, because most of the people that have criticized my lack of interest in children seemed to have had them for selfish reasons: "What happens when you're old? Who'll take care of you?/Don't you want a mini-version of yourself?". My mother has even started hinting that she wanted grandchildren

I'm a parent. I did not have kids because I thought it was the right thing to do for the world. I had kids because I wanted them. It's probably the most selfish thing I ever did. Now that they are here I do unselfish things for them. But the having of them was definitely all for me.

"I was born a crime." Oh yeah, he's going to bring an interesting perspective.

Now playing

For those who don't know who Trevor Noah is, a gift from his stand up. I say Comedy Central made a good choice here.

The fact that "mutual friend Joe Francis" introduced Scott and Kourtney makes me not like either of them very much. Joe Francis is a garbage person and no one should call him their friend ever.

Eh, as long as everyone is upfront and honest about what they will and won't do and both people enter into the relationship with their eyes open, more power to them. Would it be the right choice for me? No. But this isn't my relationship.

That's what I can't stand about her song writing, she turns it into a game. She makes it obvious enough to figure it out and to embarrass them. I think she also slut shamed Camilla Belle in one of her songs about the Jonas brother? she dated. I just can't get on board with her.

Sounds like a match.

that pic of a grammy next to the song about katy perry was the lowest fucking thing ever

See this is where I disagree with her. I don't think it's a sexism thing as much as the way she goes about it. Pretty much every other female popstar is writing songs about their old relationships, but people aren't going on about how Katy or Adele or like any of the female country stars do it. The difference is that

Mine does the exact same shit for everything. Clothes, dishes, mail, shoes, etc. It kills me inside.

My husband's excuse for not putting away the dishes out of the dishwasher: "I don't know where they go."