
So glad that Jia pointed out that periods don't need to be sacred hippy-dippy bullshit to be regarded as something normal and not shameful. Ghod, I hate hippy-dippy bullshit. But the secrecy around periods is profoundly misogynistic - and, talking about our periods is HILARIOUS AND GREATLY TO BE ENCOURAGED.

It's way too Southern sorority girl for me. The beach towel is cute, and if they made items for a toddler, those would probably be cute, but I can't stand pastels on myself, and adults in general. I don't do the garden party look. I think it's a good look on retirees in Florida, though.

And I'm not even rich! It can be done!

Lily and Vera can both kiss my ass.

They're still obsessed with them here in Alabama! (HURK)

As someone with an incredible boob job, they are not unicorns. You guys just don't know we are not #SoBlessed.

Half of an oreo fell out of my mouth when I realized that is your actual butt. I am suffering from severe butt envy right now. How do you not have any cellulite?!

Right? Especially post child-birth/nursing.

one of those guys on one of those plastic surgery shows made pretty nice looking fake breasts provided the woman was getting something that fit her frame.


I just want you to know that I stared at your ass for a long time and was very jealous. Congrats on the butt.

I may not understand the choice in tattoo, but I can understand a great butt.

I mean, I don't want to be a total creep. But. Nice ass.

That tattoo is awesome you take that back rn

It's amazing. Fuck a hater. (Yes, I said that unironically lol)

I have your $1.29 right here, bae.

"Till one day I put an angel in your ultra sound"?

"Kanye will breeze into a store and immediately start pulling looks for Kim to try on. He likes to pose her after he's picked out her outfits. He gets completely in the zone."

Exactly. It's not a thing that needs to be done in a special designated place/time. It's a weird question to me. I listen on my commute, as other people mentioned, but I'll just curl up on the couch with some tea and catch up on This American Life or WTF or whatever while I'm at home too. It's kind of like asking "I

And more so than Buckley and Tucker?