
The ones he hasn't met?

When he's unwittingly drugged into an honest confession.

literally working here is 80% either getting told that you care too much or too little about the kardashians so there's just no way i'm gonna try to apply any more effort to the matter

I wish I didn't know, if that helps at all. I cannot believe the one and only time I've ever corrected a Jezebel writer, it was over the mother effing kardashians. Fuck.

my point wasn't to fault Kidman but the fact that Cruise (Scientology) kept the kids from her for so long. Not just now but when they were kids as well. She always looks so sad when asked about them.

I also have rosacea, although somehow my skin isn't too sensitive, mostly just reddish overall and CRAZY ASS RED if I drink red wine, am tired, after workouts, or overdue on the coffee. Do you use other products to help you tone down/conceal any redness in your skin?

I second La Roche Posay. I use the Rosaliac AR Intense redness gel and it's amazing on my rosacea, totally gone! But I buy mine on Amazon. Not sure that they carry this at Sephora. I've never seen it there. I also used FAB but recently switched to REN's vita mineral daily supplement, my deep wrinkles next to my mouth

I think of it as an investment; I tend to wear the same colors and reorder the same makeup items, but a lot of money goes into skincare. I'm paying gradually now vs a lot more for more extreme measures later. Plus, hey, I feel like you do get what you pay for from a lot of lines through Sephora.


Something happens to me when I walk into Sephora where I assume that the prices quoted are in some foreign and incredibly devalued currency. It's only outside that I realize they meant $250 dollars AMERICAN. Is there a way we can fix this so that we're paying in maybe Lira? That would be better for me. Kthnx.

Are there any eye creams for dark undereye circles that actually work or is it all bullshit? Also, what do you think of the Sephora-brand products, quality-wise?

What product or line do you think is the most over rated?

Oooh, do you have a favorite "little-known secretly awesome product"? One that you're like "THIS IS SO AMAZING, WHY ISN'T EVERYONE BUYING IT?"

Do they keep deluxe promo samples behind the counter aside from those that are displayed for VIBs?

TV is really fucking good now. Like there is so much that is so good that I will never even watch because there is already so much that is so good that I am watching.

"Now even in the comfort of my own home I have to look at The Colored People?!"



As if white people own the tv/movie roles and P.O.C. are stealing them.