My point is less that she's lying and more that she's probably delusional, possibly stemming from some form of abuse/trauma. Jail time will not fix that, and is thusly a waste of money, and not in the public interest.
My point is less that she's lying and more that she's probably delusional, possibly stemming from some form of abuse/trauma. Jail time will not fix that, and is thusly a waste of money, and not in the public interest.
don't you know? Wedding ring = more of a challenge. They will win you yet!
even better: when a dude DOESN'T hit on you at the gym.
Oh honey, I want to have your baby. Marry me!
I don't care how many gossip articles you link to to back up your speculation.
You're expecting me and Anna - and anyone with half a brain - to believe that Longo broke professional conduct and protocol by saying what his PERSONAL feelings were on the matter of charging Jackie? GTFO.
Longo was very clear and cut off…
Better keep that fact on the DL or you're going to find yourself on a jury ASAP.
Yes We Can...Santorum the fuck out of this asshole!
I think it's my responsibility as a sane American to get much higher on that website list. Posting to facebook now.
Nah, you didn't screw anything up because you weren't doing the reporting. You believed what you read in Rolling Stone, and a lot of people do.
No, the victim did not seek her out to tell her anything. The victim did not stop her from doing some basic fact checking on the story she was told. The victim did not ask that her story be written like a movie or campy horror story instead of a real-life occurrence.
All of that is on the reporter and her b.s. need to…
LOL, fuck you. Decent people have learned from the indecent of the GOP and conservatives that it doesn't matter what you say as long as it advances your agenda.
anna, any news on sabrina rubin erderly, the writer of the original article? Has she basically disappeared since the story fell apart? It's curious there hasn't been much news about her whereabouts and the consequences she is facing...
He is really the worst possible face for right to die. He was a fucking weirdo. I think it is important for those who are choosing PAS or requested euthanasia to tell their stories now, so that the image in the public mind is no longer that creepy old dude who also advocated that prisoners should be used for medical…
You're adorable.
It's not quite that clear. Physician assisted suicide means that yes, a doctor prescribes you medication with which you can choose to end your own life. Jack Kevorkian did this for years with his push-button machines, where all the patient had to do was press a button. Then in 1998, he had one patient who couldn't…
So many people in these cases seem to confuse "euthanasia" with "choosing to die". Patients like this girl aren't choosing to die, they're already dying, they can't NOT DIE. They want to choose how to die.