

Thanks for the Sunday night plans! You're welcome to join me.

I'm in VA, so some parts of the state have held onto their southern roots, but most of it has modernized with DC and the Beltway. The ass is finally back! My mom, who grew up in Mobile, will comment if I've lost weight that "your butt looks smaller" and doesn't understand that that's no longer a good thing. I want to

It depends on the circles you run in. At Ole Miss, that's definitely true. But outside of the upper class/moneyed south, especially in more diverse areas, women are curvier and it's the standard. I think for white women, the thin-is-in idea exists, but most of them do have children and do eat southern cuisine so they

How Starbucks thought this was gonna go.

This is quite honestly the most inexplicable and obviously awful corporate idea I have ever heard of. They would have been better off reminding people they offer health insurance to their employees, unlike most independent coffee shops or fast food joints. For that, I have never hated Starbucks, but this "race

Did you ever hear the story about when she was on "Murphy Brown" and they wanted to give her breast cancer, and the executives wanted to go with menopause as the storyline instead, and Candance and Diane English had to explain to the executives that menopause was not a disease?

All bodies are good bodies!

I'm kinda not buying that people actually call her Jules. Like she's always saying that her friends call her Jules but her friends are like "you can't just make up your own nickname, JULIANNE."

given the social/patriarchal reasons for the behaviors he's mocking (e.g. acting 'ditzy'), it's really messed up that this extremely privileged grown man, is making fun of them for that behavior. and like you said, it's just lazy — he's not even doing it in a funny or interesting way. He could at least give a wink to

allison williams' dog is a golden retriever, which...obviously


I don't think I've ever not tipped, either, but I agree that's what it would take - active abuse.

It didn't shock me she grew up Mormon, which has a particularly racist past as a religion. I imagine that had something to do with her ignorance.

I appreciate that Julianne Hough has openly recognized how ignorant her costume was. I think it's great that she's able to own up to it and learn something. Yes, she shouldn't have done it at all, but there are a lot of people who would just choose to be defensive and she didn't so I have nothing bad to say. We can

Real talk: I had a step-relative in small-town Arkansas who showed me pictures she took in class. They had put on some kind of skit where they were all characters from The Voice. And this relative was...Cee Lo Green. I looked at the pictures, and my mouth fell open. She was in full blackface. I asked if her teacher

RIGHT?! You pay the restaurant for the food, and pay someone else to bring it to you, with drinks and what not. You are paying someone to be your liaison to the kitchen as well. You are paying someone to clean up after your ass.

You pay for your food, you tip for your service...I wish people would just understand that...

Y'know, I don't feel guilty for saying that this woman is a fucking cunt. Can I say that here? Probably not. Go ahead and block this comment if you must. I won't hold it against you.

It's par for the course. I only do so when I recover from my fainting couch, as the staggering amount of $15/hour caused me to pass out. What would I do with a multitude of riches?