
As a mother, I do have to admit your comment seriously rubbed me the wrong way. Like I have a child now so WHAT AM I DOING TRYING TO LOOK ATTRACTIVE I need to focus on being a MOM.

Continue tipping your hat and saying m'lady.

True story: the nurse who delivered my son had three boys and tried once more for her girl. Had twin boys.

Yeah, I mean, you don't have to tell them that the "medical complication" is that their meddling makes your uterus curl up and run away. That's nobody's business but yours!

I flat out lied to my in-laws (and extended in-laws, like aunts and second cousins and shit) when they ask about "more kids" (we have three! That should be enough!!!) I told them all that I can't due "medical complications" and pretend to cry. No one asks anymore.

"Who would they be trying to impress, by the time they're past 30?"


Oh, I thought it was something you could make with a baby.

Most paleo people ate bugs for protein. HOW MANY BUGS DID YOU EAT TODAY, PALEO-WORSHIPER?

I like asking those people which paleolithic group's diet they're following. I usually get blank looks, or you know, the paleolithic people. It's fun to point out that all prehistoric people in the world weren't one monolithic group that all ate exactly the same thing.

I always ask them the life expectancy of those cave men.

Yup. If a diet requires eliminating an entire food group, it's bullshit. OH WORD? BREAD IS POISON? Maybe tell that to the hundreds of generations of people who have survived on it since the dawn of agriculture. Also make sure to tell modern civilization that it exists thanks to poison. Now go die and let me eat my

I'm no expert, but I'd say that a vegan diet could be seriously lacking in protein unless you were incredibly good at nutrition and your kid ate beans and lentils like there is no tomorrow. I seem to remember a case in France in which the parents were jailed because their child died from eating a vegan diet that was

I just love that you've referred to parenthood as "owning". I like to call children "pets that can talk", myself.

First - my cat is vegan and proud, and you can't tell me otherwise. ;-)

I had two, and considered having a third when I remarried. My hormones wanted a baby, but I was hesitant about going through the horror-show of pregnancy again. Instead, I got a dog. My logic was this: If I still wanted a baby after getting a dog, then I needed to have a baby. If not, then I just needed a small

What the Huck. I love Guillermo but I'm done with his character. They have to kill him off eventually, right? Lets just do that now. I really don't care about his famn damily or B613. He's just a heavy breathing plot device.

How death works on TV.

*whispers* do jane and deign not rhyme?

Chris Brown why you tryin' to fuck with Oprah?