Nope you are not alone I have been on the fence about Huck for awhile and after him killing an innocent for selfish reasons...I am done with him
Nope you are not alone I have been on the fence about Huck for awhile and after him killing an innocent for selfish reasons...I am done with him
YES. She nailed it in that speech. Loved it.
I yelled "Holy shit, Huck!" and woke up my dog...who is still giving me the stink-eye from his couch. Yes, we have our own couches.
Praise to the Abby. This girl just explained everything that's wrong with the media's reporting of women. She's awesome, even if her boyfriend is a man child.
I buy the huge packs of black ones. No fancy colors for me. No foo foo shit.
Those people were making those claims while supporting McCain, a man who was born in Panama. They don't make sense.
Clearly people ACTUALLY born in America (Obama) aren't as American as people NOT born in America (Cruz) when you are a Rethug. I get that there are people born outside the US, but still within US territories or military bases, BUT HE WAS BORN IN CANADA. Yet another hypocrisy brought to you the the right wing.
He is almost lizard-like in his repulsiveness level.
Off topic: your gif is such a great reminder of how clever Jennifer Aniston is with her comedic facial expressions. My work computer has audio turned off and just her face is still funny.
"I saw it snowed once. Therefore Global Warming isn't a thing."
the expression on his face is violence inducing. he's like that uncle who's telling you about how you need to study harder whilst copping a feel off of you
"By science I mean carefully selected scientific articles that fit my ideology"
God, there are plenty of people on the right just as bad or worse as Cruz ideologically, but I don't think any of them are as repulsive in every aspect as he is. No one else has that constant simpering jerks-off-in-a-mirror expression or that "I'm so taken with my own cleverness I can barely form a sentence" delivery.…
Fun fact: Anybody who writes or utters the phrase "I want the purity of my daughters protected" in regards to a bra commercial is going to be a grandparent at 35.
For some reason I'm getting such a kick out of the lady complaining that the missy elliot lyrics contained vulgar words and then labeled links to the lyrics as "NSFW" ignoring the fact that she typed said apparently vulgar words including "shit", "cock" and "pussy" into her email.