
I know that feel, bro. So you can be asexual/agendered and feel no attraction to any sex...but you can still have a high libido? So...masturbation? I just want to understand because that was one major source of confusion for me throughout this whole interview.


I like my abortions extra foamy.

Same here. Bless their hearts. But if some college aged wide-eyed girl asks about my blackness. I afraid I'll not be so nice to her.

My first reaction to this was that it's an incredibly cruel thing to force on your just-barely-above-minimum-wage-(maybe) employees of all races.

In a Starbucks? Probably get a hi five from the mom with the bob cut behind you.

I can't imagine any baristas participating in this nonsense. Honestly, I didn't even want to talk about COFFEE with my customers.

Why stop there?

We are none of us out here on our own. THAT may in fact be the one beautifully simple, fundamental truth of Blackness.

I'm not talking with ANYONE about ANY DAMN THING until I get my goddamned coffee. And I'm DEFINITELY not talking with my Starbucks barista with anything other than "no whip" because I have shit to do.

All I'll say is that to the extent that "Black is a state of mind" the misguided White girl is a lot closer to her Blackness than you.

Yeeeeeeesh. Please, pretty please, go sit in a quiet place with that comment for a while. Self-examination is a good thing.

If you have to ask you must not be Black.

I agree 100%. I think that it's almost impossible to feel a sense of detachment listening to this album as a white person. That's part of why it's so good. I can't necessarily understand it fully because I haven't lived it, but it's impossible to not be drawn into it and confronted/engaged by it.

Just another thing for fat women to be self-conscious about. It's an ugly word, meant to make you feel shame and disgust about your body.

Oh yeah, Sartre! Sorry everyone, we're shutting this blog down because Sartre already happened. It was fun while it lasted.


I'd like to be the devil's advocate, but these Satanists know what they're doing.

It's the exact shape of Christ on a crucifix. The confusion is founded.

For reference: