But she married two Muslims. Come on, you can't tell me that's not suspicious. Everybody knows that Christianity is a very delicate religion that cannot bear direct exposure to Islam.
Hopefully it's fatal
I remember when Obamacare was going through, a bunch of Republican politicians were "threatening" to move to Australia if it got passed. We in Australia were pretty baffled by this, because we have
A gay, Muslim( converted FROM christianity), socialist, black woman who has a black atheist father, a white Jewish mother, adopted children of different races & a transgender girlfriend.
Obama is the first President that Graham has not met with. Franklin told the press it was Obama's "stance on abortion" which is horseshit. Franklin is a total tool, and is riding on his father's coattails.
"I don't know that, but it certainly seems that way."
Do me next Mr. Graham!
I'd love an openly athiest president, of Islamic decent.
No, actually, it's not. I'm not the President of the United States, but it doesn't matter what position you're in. It would be really fucking annoying to have people constantly saying you are something that you are not, based on their own racism and the idea that "if you're from here, you must be this." He's been very…
I dunno. My dad's family is super Catholic. I am decidedly not Catholic, and neither is my dad. If people kept being like "But you must be a Catholic. Your dad grew up in an Irish neighborhood in New York City, and your grandfather is a Catholic and born in Ireland" over and over again, without caring or listening to…
I want an actual socialist president myself. But I'm ok if he or she also happens to be Muslim.
See, as grown, educated adults we get to take stories like these at face value. But this is what we are raising our kids on. I mean, these princess stories are the fabric of many little girls childhoods. I had no idea how intense princess culture had become until having a daughter myself, and there are little girls…
umm... the name Belle? No. That is so far from the problem.
People really don't recognize her hustle. She was/is a straight D-lister, per her old show. She worked that angle to become a popular underdog and icon in her own right. She was never bitchy or came across as greedy. She makes jokes about being bitchy and greedy but at the end of the day she comes across as honest. I…
Of course you can, but just as YOU can criticize, OTHERS can criticize YOU when YOU are being a racist asshole. That's how it works in a world with freedom and consequences.
The government arrested the hosts of Fashion Police? I haven't heard this. Send a tip to Gawker Media, you can do that now.
No, bone broth has tiny, microscopic gnomes in it that remove toxins from your body.
fashion police may be done, lena dunham. but that doesn't mean you shouldn't hold zac posen hostage at gunpoint until he sews a goddamn waistline into your dress