
I'm easily the worst in the class every time I show up, but I'm learning.

I was expecting your dress to look more like this.

This was my $99 David's Bridal dress. Well, the important part of it anyway. Simple, knee length, easy to dance in. Sold! I think my boobs were the magical part of this equation. Ahem.

WTF! Why not throw global warming or ISIS brutality in there too? They have about as much to do with what happened in Oklahoma as that little addition about the "unborn."

I could watch the Drew Barrymore movie because I knew it was a movie. I couldn't watch the whole documentary. It was just too painful.

Armchair from me: I think Little Edie had the larger "actual" mental illness, and I'd say delusional disorder along with some sort of low social IQ. There's something oddly too childlike about her.

Not sure if this counts as throwing hands, but it certainly involved hands and was just flat out bizarre. We had our wedding at an historic beach hotel in New Hampshire. We had the main ballroom reserved for our reception and it was just lovely. We decided to do karaoke at the end of the night when everybody was

I had a Momzilla that tried to make my wedding about her, too. Was crying all morning, didn't want to/barely came to the hotel room to help me get ready, yelled at me in the middle of the reception, and didn't speak to me the next morning at breakfast, or for the next week before we left for our honeymoon.

It's funny to me that yours is the first comment I've seen mention Little Edie's alopecia - I have to think that it had a profound effect on her interactions with the world.

Yeah, the difference between crazy and eccentric is usually money, sadly.

It's called eccentricity if you're rich, mental illness if you're poor.

They were both mentally ill. That's why Big Edie got disinherited and no one objected when she coerced Little Edie to be her caretaker. They were embarrassing to their richy-rich family.

Javad Zarif is kicking republican ass here. He took them to school. Well done, JZ.

Zarif went to high school and college in San Francisco!! He got his masters degree in Colorado!

Republicans have lost their damned minds. Like. When we all die as a result of nuclear winter because of this, I am using the skin of republicans to keep me warm.

and then take a look at this mic drop from zarif

at first when i heard about it, i was like *shrug* whats the big deal

in case you need a translation