
Phew! So glad to hear that Racist Thing is, in fact, not racist. Another day saved by the white internet.

I'm not even bisexual and I would date a girl if she looked like Amber Rose. She is super hot.

"As a white person...I personally do not take it seriously...."

The thing that gets me is that there is no excuse for using racial slurs and saying "I didn't know" nowadays.

I'm still mad at him for being mean to Ann Curry.

Thankfully for us, the Internet is basically forever, and several of these clowns' faces appear clearly in the video.

I know exactly what you mean. But I am not going to sit here and act like I am grateful that they took action when there is no doubt that this University President knew about this behavior. I am not going to give them a pat on the back for what should have been done a long time ago.

"Well yeah, I suppose he's black, but he's not.... you know... one of those black people."


The communicative property of Texas/Arkansas means the Midwest is part of the South for certain purposes like country music, fried foods, and racism.

"Tradition" and "heritage" are just dog-whistles. White people who bray about either are almost assuredly racist, and I can guarantee will immediately label a "bigot" and a "hate-monger" anyone who calls them out for it.

That would be like me dismissing that re-homing story from a few days ago on the basis that the one adoption I know about went extremely well for the kid and her new family. Oh yes, y limited experience shall surely be proven to be the rule all over!

When I was at BSU many moons ago, I was a residence assistant at one of the dorms in LaFollette. While I was there, our dorm played host to the SAE frat because their house sustained damage somehow and they worked out a deal to live in our study-halls until it was rebuilt that semester. I remember this quite vividly

Texts from Kara:

It is only maternal love that stops you from dropping your toddler off in a basket on a neighbor's doorstep when they bite you in the ass. Well, that, and they wouldn't stay in a basket for three seconds.

I'm looking forward to next week's offerings when a guy writes in to tell the story of a breakfast place he went to every week that was ALWAYS out of bacon croissant sandwiches every time he went in.

Stop. It's obviously not the fucking same.

Let me guess, "not everything is about race?"

What's next, we'll let people marry anything, even goats or hamburgers? See how that argument doesn't work? The problem is that you are completely ignoring social and historical contexts, not to mention creating a false equivalence by posting the image above. "Baby hair" is associated with members of specific groups.

Did you not read what I wrote? I want it to be about a giant joint. I don't want to hear about butts.