Are they totally normal looking? I always suspected those kids were actually hatched from a cache of mysterious golden eggs found on an ancient altar in the forest.
Are they totally normal looking? I always suspected those kids were actually hatched from a cache of mysterious golden eggs found on an ancient altar in the forest.
On the one hand, I appreciate her narcissism. On the other, I just wish I didn't have to see it.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who had this reaction. I'm also childless, and my second thought after reading this (and after thinking, "Jesus, what a terrible person!") was that now she's a part of TeamMom, she's going to start treating employees without kids like shit. You can see the seeds of it in the editorial, as…
This piece sure did no favors to child-free women as a group. It certainly seemed to set up that old dichotomy that the childless "career woman" is a hostile harpy to mothers and that they retaliate against mothers because they simply cannot understand until they have a child of their own. If I were childfree, I'd be…
I read this article the other day and look, I'm glad that she understands the perspective of mothers (and I should say, parents) now that she has a kid, but there is something about this that really rubs me the wrong way. I'm a childless woman and I've worked in a supervisory or co supervisory role with all types of…
Totes. If by "sex" she means "picking out each other's clothes and brushing each other's hair", then yes.
Does anyone else feel these two are interested in having more kids because it "solidifies their brand" ?
The trap of respectability politics. My guess is she did so to make the episode more digestible for white audiences who, lets be completely honest, would have sympathized with the cop if the black character did have a knife on him.
I don't think I could handle that. like purely as someone who saw the picture. I cannot even imagine the horror of literally being in the same room as that.
oh, yeah, it's totally fine to get rid of two living, breathing, bonded siblings, ages three and six years old, but it's not OK to have an abortion.
This asshole works in Government. He could have made a few calls and gone through legal channels without all of the hassles us non-connected folks have to go through. Pretty much anything would have been better than giving the kids to some dude who worked at his fake Christian tax payer subsidized school and got fired…
Oh, they knew about the programs....that was why they were collecting the $$$ from the state (it's not socialism when RWer's collect money from the government) to help deal with their kids...that they had already given away.
Maybe not, but these Christians certainly are assholes.
This was my exact thought. If you think what you are doing is going to cause DHS to file charges, maybe you should realize what you are doing is supremely fucked up.
Oh no, he could have. He just didn't want to.
They didn't consider the effect this would have on already abused and traumatized children because they didn't think of them as children, but vanity tokens.
1) "I'll respect what she wants in regards to gender identity."
the douche is so outrageously strong with that one.