"Intersectionalism is cunt-rammin' AWESOME."
"Intersectionalism is cunt-rammin' AWESOME."
Official 'look off' sc0re = Jesus > Karl Lagerfeld.
I got one Birchbox and cancelled. There was exactly one item I could use. Everything else I gave away. The samples were tiny. I could have ordered something from Sephora and gotten better samples.
I want Gloria Steinem to be my cool aunt. We'll get wasted at wine bars and bitch about The Man.
Not a disaster story, but a tip for any of you who might be mailing out invitations at some point: Assign each household a number and put it on the back of the RSVP card. Some people don't remember to put their own names on the card, or the names are illegible. It also gives you a simple way to sort them so you can…
This is so real. I can fit a hand between mine.
or if you are me and you have the functional equivalent a Sahara sized space between your ole bitties. I'll be guaranteed to look like a potato in lycra.
Nope, even flat chested ladies will have ISSUES with that type of suit (I know because I have one and unless you sit with completely perfect posture and completely upright and erect at all times, it will gap at the sides and things will be seen that should not be seen)
do rosegold or a BARELY lavender grey. They wont bust you, live your life!
I bet she is going with some alt color in a week.
ha agreed. also can I just say that I only find this actor hot when he has this weird bleached hair and is behaving abominably as Spike. I saw him with his normal brown hair and was not into it at all.
I wouldn't call myself a "fan" of Kelly Clarkson, but it cannot be denied that girl can sing crazy good and she writes some very empowering break up songs. so basically I listen to her when my heart is broken and I appreciate her for that.
Maybe! Though Nathan Fillion does pretty well.
I would fuuuuuuuuuuuck him and smoke weed after it and it would be the best
Hold on, let me get this straight. You are a published author, you can clean anything on the planet, and you roll a nice tight joint. Please post pictures of the line forming in front of your door of suitors waiting to date you. Must be like the apple store on new iPhone day.
Also, I'd just like to say that I am so very happy that I lived long enough to see the day where I can, if I so desire, just pop down to the legal weed dispensary for some weed, and the internet cleaning lady will teach me how to roll it into a clean, tidy, filtered joint. When I was 15 (or even when I was 30. Or…