
Ooh, I like the second one! Where did you find it?

Her best friend is Alan Cummings, which I think is awesome.

Yep, that was my thought. This is a significant improvement for a number of people, unfortunately. First of all, it's three meals a day. Second, there are some fruits and veggies. For so many people in this country, that alone would make it a great day of food.

Stay away from Birchbox. The samples are totally generic, plus they'll suck you into an annual membership.

BeautyDNA is by far my favorite! I've had Birchbox for 2 years and will cancel it when my annual renewal comes up. I've just gotten tired of the same old black eyeliner in every single box. Plus, the samples are never actually tailored for my profile.

Hell, yes! We live in an upscale area where there are a ton of trophy wives. They're constantly at the gym, salon, plastic surgeon - it's literally their job to look pretty. If they slack off a bit, their husbands can always find a lookalike replacement. Ugh.

Did you miss the part about her actually planning to wear blackface? I would recommend reading the article before freaking out.

No, they fit your face! Don't you dare grow them out - I love a dramatic brow. And now I'm off to buy that brow sculptor...

White Suede and Tobacco Vanilla are decadent. I wear them around the house - they magically make my ratty pjs feel like a silky, luxury, Joan-Collins-esque lounge outfit.

Good for your mom! My freshman roommate in college had no idea she was supposed to wash and change her sheets - their housekeeper had always done it for her. Halfway through the semester, we finally identified the source of the smell in our room...

Ugh, except every nutbag conservative will be clamoring for him to paint them now. Preferably with an eagle and a flag and a gun and an unborn fetus.

Me too! I try so hard to disguise it with feminism shirts and bumper stickers, but it just doesn't work. I'm glad I'm not alone in this embarrassment.

Check out his horrific actions during the Terry Schiavo case. I can't link to the article in the grays, but the New Yorker has a great piece.

My ex mother-in-law wore a replica of my bridesmaids' dresses so everyone would think she was young. Like, she saw the pics and searched high and low to find an exact. matching. dress. Our pictures were very weird looking.

These outfits are great! Thanks for a great post. Also, I ADORE your blog. <fangirling over here>

Bite your tongue. I would like to smoke pot and eat buffalo wings with JLaw, Christine Baranski, Laura Dern, Sandra Bullock, and Mindy Kaling. Don't crush my dreams.

Agree to disagree :)

Or people who claim to be living beneath the poverty line because they feel a bit strapped for cash one month <eyeroll at a certain family member>

Look, you had a very public argument with lots of people over your thinking about race. Then you suddenly changed your mind. Now I'm thrilled if that was the result of some learning and introspection. I am all for learning. Lord knows, I've certainly changed and grown from some of the things I've read on this site.

No, I'm glad you learned from your reading. My point is that, based on this sort of commenting on libertarian thinking, is that you still have a lot to learn. Call me crazy, but I personally am not convinced that you made a magical 180 turn.