
But what does fiscally responsible mean to you? It's a great catchphrase, but most people can't explain the consequences of the term.

Are you kidding me?? She's discussing BLACK hair. She said African-American because this conversation is about an African-American woman. To honestly suggest that she's racist because she used AA instead of black is insane.

Oh, give me a break. You honestly think that it's not a big deal because it was extensions and not her real hair? She was insulting a hairstyle that is associated with the Black community. It doesn't matter if the hair grew out of her head of not.

Oh, it would do you in. There are all these hot young guys running around in various stages of undress, but they have nothing on Kyle. (We're on a first name basis)

Ahh, now we have the reason for your bizarre vitriol. Let me guess - it's not the opposition research so much as the fact that she works for Democrats...and digs up dirt on your precious GOP candidates.

Don't forget the CoolSculpting!!

My mother in law signs everything with her given name/Mom. Like I might forget that she's not my biological mom. It's kind of amazing :)'s possible Kim can't read.

No, she did not address it to you. She said conversations like this were why she didn't like white women. It was not ABOUT YOU. It was about the problems with intersectionality and white feminism in general.

But why can't you understand that other people get upset and angry with you as a similar defense mechanism?

I think most people would agree with you objectively, but I'm not sure I could fake it. I mean, look at the sheer panic on that woman's face - that's totally what I would look like if someone put me on the spot like that. I'd be pissed and humiliated and panicked. I have no idea what would actually come out of my

Well, he had to be objectively fairly good to play in the minors, even if he was better at basketball.

But Jordan was actually pretty damn good at baseball!

Also, 'not conventionally attractive'?? She's beautiful!

Yep, I can't listen to Ira Glass because of his voice. If he were a woman, he would be dismissed as weak and unsubstantial - but he gets a pass because he's a man.

Check out the Vanity Fair article on the movie - EL sounds like a NIGHTMARE.

For me, it's the fact that it reinforces the idea that women are completely hairless.

Alas, yes. Cool Sculpt is a laser treatment that freezes fat from 'problem areas' like lower belly pooches and inner thighs. I love Kim K's body, but I find it difficult to believe that her body type has that sort of thigh gap. Considering she's fully admitted to Cool Sculpting her abdomen, I bet she's also done her

Two things:

That's actually the face of inner thigh and lower abdomen Cool Sculpt fat removal laser treatment.