Not to mention, her emails were ridiculously unprofessional - full of grammatical and spelling errors. It looked like the head of Sony Pictures was an immature 12 year old girl.
Not to mention, her emails were ridiculously unprofessional - full of grammatical and spelling errors. It looked like the head of Sony Pictures was an immature 12 year old girl.
Hah, my movie trip will be followed up with some time alone in my bunk :)
What happens if Angela Merkel dares raise her voice to (god forbid) President Paul? Would he shush her?
I was there - the only sounds that came from her microphone live were her cheers to the audience. No singing at all.
I was at the game - the crowd around me had no idea who she was. It was really disappointing. Everyone was silent during her performance (except for my husband and me), then went back to cheering for damn Katy Perry.
How did the fans around you react to her performance? I was at the game, too - people around me went totally silent when she came out. I thought she was SO much better than Katy Perry (first of all, she actually performed live), but a lot of people had no idea who she was and thought 'rap' was 'inappropriate'. Ugh.
Don't forget the almighty 'Food Babe'!
Yep, I agree. The whole concept of 'clean' eating is disordered in its own way - labeling certain foods dirty.
And even then, things would only change for men.
What about people who use so-called titles in a dismissive way? I live in the south and I loathe when people call me 'miss' as a way to belittle me. I'm honestly curious about your opinion because I've never thought about it as an honorific. And many, many thanks to your parents.
Also, I think she's probably dressed for a Middle Eastern culture since she's totally covered. Appropriate and stylish!
I imagine she'd use donor eggs, or her own previously frozen eggs...but publicly say that it was simply due to her 'healthy lifestyle'.
Nope, but Marietta and Alpharetta TOTALLY are!
Jesus, he insists on referring to her as 'Miss Megyn' - he can't bear the idea that she's his peer.
Yep, you're definitely a troll. 'Spaz' is a derogatory term for 'spastic'. It's a negative term used against disabled people, particularly cerebral palsy. Do you also call people 'retards' when they don't agree with you?
Ah, and using the delightful term 'spaz' just adds to your credibility. You do realize how offensive that word is, right?
OMG, I am your opposite twin! I have stick straight hair and my mom thought it would be cute to perm everything BUT my bangs. I had big ol' poodle hair with this weird curtain of flat bangs in front. Not cute.
It's the lego-piece hair.
It's 2015. IT'S TIME.
Another important point - Kyle did not donate all the proceeds from the book to charity, as many media accounts have stated. That was another one of his lies, unfortunately. Ventura successfully sued his estate for libel, but did not leave his widow 'penniless' after damages were awarded. The book alone made more than…